Hey everybody. I know I've been MIA for a little bit. Dealing with a few minor things...busy at work, a bit of depression. Nothing big though. Just enough to keep me from socializing.
Spoke to my cardiologist about my surgery date in June. He said "no way, Jose". I have to wait until August. Of course he wants to have a nuclear stress test. He also wants me off the Plavix for 2 months (the surgeon only required 3 weeks off) and he won't let me stop until June 1. He wants me to be on the Plavix for a full year from the heart attack. While I am a little discouraged by this, I know he has my best interest at heart and will do as he says. He always seems to be so conservative with me.
Oh well. I have to wait for insurance anyway. Now I'll just wait for August to get here also.
This is becoming more of a waiting game than I anticipated 2 years ago.
I'm glad to know you're surgeon is playing it safe. This is really a big deal and you want to do everything you can to set your duckies in a row. Remember, the surgery is a small part of a much bigger picture. Steps towards a healthier you which you take every day of your life now you will continue to take post op and for the rest of your life. The better you get at self care now, the more successful you'll be during and after surgery.
It's all good Rachelle. Keep up the awesome work.