Okay so I just got off the phone w/ Independent Health. They said they gave me the wrong information that nothing has been submitted to them yet for surgery.Although when I called them on Friday they said everything was submitted and they would have a answer for me by today, well that was wrong..way to get my hopes up!! I meet with Dr Panemanglore on the 4th and had everything for my insurance company ready to go [ letter from my primary, weight loss history, psych. eval. ], what is taking them so long?? I mean why if they have had everything ready since the 4th, last wednesday, then why hasn't anything been submitted yet? And of course when I call the doctors office I feel like I'm annoying them and same with my insurance company. Any words of advice?? Tomorrow it will be a week since I've seen the doctor and I've been sitting on pins and needles ever since! Grr...just submit the paperwork!!!!

I feel your anxiety - getting the insurance to approve honestly is the hardest part. My advise - take names of all those you speak from he insurance companies. Each insurance company is to assign you a "patient advocate" -well let me tell you - they are not on the side of the patient. My surgeon had to take my case to the National Board of appeals in order to have CIGNA approve. DO NOT feel bad about calling the Dr.'s office all the time - I felt abd too - and they told me its their job and they are used to all the calls and inquiries. Remember - they are the "pros" at getting these surgeries covered, just keep on top of them, I promise once this happens - all the rest follows so fast your head will spin. I started my testing the last week of Dec 2006 and my insurance did not approve until March denying 3 times. Breath Deep and hang tough.
I feel for you honey, just don't get discouraged ( I know easier said than done). It will all work out in the end. It seemed like it took forever for my paper work to be submitted, but once it was in it didn't take long at all to get the approval and then my 1st date, unfortunately my date got pushed back because my surgeon needed surgery of his own, but if it hadn't been for that I would be all done by now. Hope you get some news soon. I know it took them about 2 weeks to review everything once they had it in the office, and I know how you feel about pestering them, but it is what they are paid for. Good luck sweetie, I am thinking of you.
Thank you both so much!!! Patience is something MUCH MUCH easier to talk about having than practicing it. I have called my insurance EVERYday to ask if anything has been submitted yet, am I nuts??? Someone just grab a hold of me shake me REAL hard and tell me to get a this point I think that is all that will help! My first appointment was 3yrs ago, I chickened out then and spent the past 3yrs researching and now I am ready. I don't mind if I have a surgery date of 2008 I just want to know that it's approved, I think thats why I'm so damn anxious.....