Is Every One Here Banded ?
i havent desided what type of surgery i might want to have...the thought of having something inside of me for the banding ones gives me a creepy feeling...but then the thought of moving my bowels around doesnt make me feel so great either... for the one without the banding what is the recovery time like ? do you have more probs inside with that one ? what happens with your bowel movements ? do you have to take laxitives for the rest of your life etcetc.... so many questions....

Hello Alfreda,
I had RNY gastric bypass, laproscopic method. I can only give you my own experience. No bowel problems at all. I don't take laxitives either. I can't even tell that the bowels were moved or altered. I feel wonderful!!!!
Do your reasearch and you will decide what is best for you. Check with your insurance company too. Mine would not approved the banding.
Good luck.
I had RNY open proceedure. I have not regretted it for a moment. Sometimes I am constipated and sometimes there is no problem at all. I do not take laxatives but at times I take fiber supplements. I have lost 144 pounds and love life!
For me, I would do the RNY again in a minute! Good luck in your decision....
Hugs Chris
I am getting banded on the 24th...go to and read up on it. It is a really great surgery with less recovery time. But only you can make the choice what is best for you. Good luck!
I personally dont like the band. Not that I have one, my surgery date for RNY is April 24th. But the thought of getting a neddle in my stomach for adjustments I personally cant deal with that. I'm too much of a baby and neddles scare me. I went to an seminar that went over both surgerys and my surgeon said ppl with the band, if you really want it to work, you go in for several adjustments. He said sometimes the band just takes time to get it just right. But like I said, its all personal perferance. I'm a wuss with it comes to neddles. Research both and then decide.
A year and a half ago I thought I wanted the band and went to the informational seminar and saw the doctor and discussed it and then I just chickened out. Sooo a year later I decided (after much thought and reading) that with the type of eater I am, I would cheat with the band and went then for the RNY. I'm 6 days out and feeling better every day. Either one to me is a big decision but when someone needs to make the decision, they should read and question everything and look at their own eating habits. Much luck to you