Is this normal?
Hi everyone,
So I am 5 days out and feeling good. I have very little pain and I am able to tolerate everything so far. The one thing that I have noticed is that I get a a weird feeling when I drink water. Its like as soon as it goes down I get a gas bubble or something. It doesn't last, but for a minute or so after I swallow I have an uncomfortable feeling right in the center of my stomach. This does not happen when I sip boullion from a spoon, only when I drink water. I thought maybe I was gulping, so I switched from a bottle to a small glass, but its still happening. I'm about to start sipping my water from a
Any suggestions?
With that said, I have no other compaints. I feel really good, maybe a little tired. I am already getting bored sitting around! I keep getting up and walking around the house and it's driving my poor dogs crazy.
Thanks for any input

Hello sweety, glad to see you are home.
First it sounds like you are just swallowing a bit of air!
Ways I solved this, I drank out of a medicine cup the 1 oz ones in the hospital. Once I got home I discovered a way to drink my liquids, I am not sure I can describe it...SOrt of rolling it up the roof of my mouth, forcing it with my tongue, then once the air was out swallowing it. I know weird huh? But this cut down on the pain, the gas and the 'burping'. I know many say they used a staw although some programs say no straw as they suck in air? Not sure trial and error I guess. Walking around is awesome for your recovery, maybe the dogs will get used to the more active you soon! Some people find water hurts the pouch or need cold or warmer water, herbal decaf teas soothed my tummy esp. plantation pepermint by bigelow! Broths also soothed and sometimes making watered down diet koolaid or crystal light seemed to sit better than plain H2o for waterver reason. Its a marvelousjourney of discovery! HUGS~
PS I like the sippy cup idea, goes along w/ using saucer for food when theat coems and baby spoon/forks to decrease protion bite sizes! Afterall it is our rebirth and the tummy is just like a newborns, water, fluids, softs then real foods!
Take Care,
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"