Anyone familiar with Ellis Hospital Docs?
Hi all. Just wondering if anyone is familiar with Ellis Hospital Bariatric Care Center? I attended the informational meeting last Thursday, they have the info from the that I filled out at the meeting, and they have my letter from my PCP (no referral for ins. necessary).
I was wondering if I wait for them to call me? Or should I call them? At the meeting last week they said they would like to have everyone in the room (40 or so) who were still interested in surgery to all be at least scheduled for an appt within two weeks.
I'm also curious what folks experiences were at Ellis Hospital. Thanks so much!
Hi Jill,
I am having surgery on Monday at Albany Med, which is a wonderful hospital. I strongly recommend them to anyone in the area. On the other hand, I know someone that went through Ellis Hosital in December and loved her doctor. She said the hosital staff treated her well and she was very happy with her experience. Its really a personal choice, but I would look at all your options and decide where you are most comfortable. Good luck!
Ellis is a great hospital. I'm not directly familiar with the bariatric program, but as a whole, it's a great hospital.
Dr. Lirio, I would argue, is the most experienced bariatric surgeon in the capital region... he's been doing WLS since the late 70s. His co-surgeon (partner, whatever you want to call him) Dr Clarke, is younger, but so I've heard has a great reputation. A few very close friends of mine had WLS at Ellis... one with Lirio and one with Clarke. Both were very happy with their experiences.
I would've chosen Ellis myself had my preferred procedure been available there.
best of luck
YES, I AM HAVING MY SURGERY THERE WITHIN A FEW MONTHS...I AM HAVING DR CLARKE DO MY SURGERY. If you don't hear from them by next thursday I would call them.. One of the staff is on Vacation there and they are a lttle shorthanded..I know I just called them yesterday. I already met Dr Clarke and had my 1st appointment with them and I met with Chris (who is wonderful) John the PA, & had my bloodwork drawn downstairs.The entire staff is terrific!! I am awaiting my packet with all my necessary appointments that are manadatory.I was already told by Dr Clarke I need to lose 26 lbs before surgery, and they will be setting me up for a "medifast appointment" that is where you get weighed in again and start your 5 week medifast diet and any weight loss beofre that day does not count towards what I need to lose. ( my insurance is requiring me to lose 5% (13lbs) and the office requires 5% another (13lbs). They are strict but fair I'm told. I am so anxious to get this show on the road, but patience is not one of my strong points and trust me your gonna need alot of patience 'cause it's along process! But in the end I know it will be all worth it!!
Good luck!!
Can't wait to see your profile built!!
Hi all. Thanks so much for the speedy replies. I can only assume we all must be "neighbors" of sorts, and on that note.... what a beautiful day it was today!! I ended up calling the doctor's office today, I just couldn't stand it anymore. Funny how I thought about this for the last year or so and once I started researching the various surgical options, and then made my decision to have the surgery.... now I can't make the process go quickly enough! Anyway... I did get my appt. and will be seeing the doctor In mid-May (the earliest appt. available).
Janet ~ Thank you for your kind words. Best of luck to you next week and I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery!
Sean ~ I very much appreciated your post. Thank you!! I haven't been to Ellis Hosp since I was in high school! I'm 40 now, so that was soooome time ago!!! Dr. Clarke is in fact my surgeon, so your kinds words about him were music to my ears!! Congrats to you on your incredible success!! What an inspiration! Thanks again!!
Want 2 Be.... ~ Okay, so your post hit home. As I said above, I called the office today, and made my appt.... with Dr. Clarke. He did the informational meeting I attended last week and I was impressed with him (and this is from someone who has had a number of various surgeries with multiple surgeons). I spoke with an incredibly nice woman (I want to say her name began with a J??). She pulled my file, said everything was in order and then apologized for having to schedule me so far out. I made the appt. and then told her that I work from home and could pretty much come anytime if there was a cancellation.
Thank you for all the info. You stated that your ins. required you to lose 5%, and the office required 5% as well. I don't believe my ins. co. requires me to lose anything pre-op, but I was under the assumption that the office wanted 10% prior to surgery. Is that correct? I'm okay with that... but it's odd that now I'm being careful not to lose weight now?!!?!?! I am not a fan of Medifast... making it through five weeks will definitely be a testament to my belief in what I am doing!!! You'll have to let me know how you like it!!
I am anticipating undergoing (my 2nd) major cervical spine surgery in the fall. I am eager to get the ball moving here now... but realize I must be patient, and that there is a reason for the "system" such the way it is. Do you attend any support groups now pre-op? I'm thinking of attending... would love to know what you think if you have attended. Thanks so much for your post. It is so reassuring to hear from someone who is using the same surgeon that I will be using. Thank you again!
Hi Again!! As far as the weight loss it is based on your insurance company.. You can call them and they will tell you what their requirements are.Every one is different when it comes to this surgery because of weigh, insurance etc... As far as the medifast goes I love the taste so I'll be fine, but I'm scared to death of doing it straight without any meals. I was on mthe medifast 5n1 plan last year and I did fine however this diet that the surgeon has outlined for me is 5 shakes a day and 64oz of h20 and that is it! When you go for your 1st appointment you'll get a blue binder with all sorts of info in it including your post op meal plan. Also, I don't know if they told you you at the seminar, but you willbe getting an exam ther as well ( I had no clue!) (I wore my "Old lady" underwear!! HAhAHA) good luck!!