Surgery in 5 days!!!
Hi All,
Just thought I would post a quick update. I went in today and got all the pre-op testing done and now I am waiting, 5 days to go. I have to say I am so excited, but a little nervous too. I am getting a little case of the "what ifs"...nothing terrible, but still there none the less. I was fine until my husband turned to me today and said "now thats its here and real I am getting a little nervous" He was in no way encouraging me to not do it, just worried about possible complications. This week is going to be the longest week of my life, I can tell already! I just want it to be Monday so I can officially start my new life. I want to say thanks to everyone here that has been supportive of me, especially Amy and Peggy. You guys are the best!! I want to encourage any newbies out there that are going to Albany Med to please please utilize the support groups. The friendships you form are priceless and the information and encouragement you receive is so great. Wish me luck!!
WOW 5 days and counting, awesome. Be well, and sending you well wishes for a uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! HOPE to see you soon at a AMC support group, I am thinking about 4/5!
email me if you need anything ok!
[email protected]
Take Care,
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
~Love is an act of endless forgiveness~

Thanks Jamie,
You have also been a great source of information and encouragement to me over the past few months and I can't thank you enough. I fully intend to go to the support group on 4/5/07 if I am still in the hospital, if not I am still going to try to go depending on how I feel. Hope to see you there. I am definitely going tomorrow so I can get my last dose of courage and empowerment before surgery
See you on the losers side!

The best way to spend this week is to focus on taking good care of yourself. Treat yourself as you would your child. Take gentle walks, feed yourself with healthy food, be sure to get plenty to drink, be sure to get rest. Talk nice to yourself, reassure yourself. You are getting ready to receive amazing changes in your life. It's a great gift.
In this way, you have already "started your new life," because you can bring the great self care behaviors into your post op life.
I am so excited for you!
Girlfriend: I'm so excited for you! This will be the fastest 5 days of your life.......I know that you are at peace with your decision to have this done and have worked extremely hard to get to this point. You are having it done at one of the Best Hospitals with one of the Best Surgeons! You wouldn't be normal if you and your hubby didn't get a little nervous or question the "What ifs." But, I can tell you that if you are at Peace when you go - it's the right thing!
I'll see you at Support Group tomorrow night for a Good Luck Hug. As always, you will be in my thoughts & prayers.
You Go Girl.....