Does any one still smoke after surgery?????
As an ex-smoker, this is my theory.
We had this surgery to become healthier people. Why would we jeopardize this second chance?
When I begin to lose weight, I'm looking foward to not being winded when I climb the stairs so I certainly don't want to be winded by cigarettes.
That lady may not have a problem now with her stomache, but she might be waiting for an ulcer to happen. I personally wouldn't take that chance.
Try to hang in there with your smoking. I'm proud of you too for the week of not smoking.
I know what a struggle it is...believe me. is a good very good site for support.
Good Luck And Be Well!

What is the real question behind this question? I am assuming you are not doing research on how many WLSers still smoke? I am guessing you may be challenged by not smoking for the past week. This type of question/response that someone else has smoked w/o issues feels like someone projecting their own ambivalence and resistance. Now just a thought to consider, but are you really wondering if you want to quit, if you can, what that means? What emotions are coming up for you now, we use addictions to repress emotions plain and simple, to deny, avoid and stuff whether it is food, tobacco, alcohol, illicit or prescription drugs, gambling, shopping, sex, relationships, exercise, etc...the addictions are merely a symptom. For me there was alot of fear when I 'gave up' using food excessively (esp. sugar), alot of sadness, anger as well, not to mention looking at the guilt and shame for using it to begin w/ and what state that addiction put me in physicaly/emotionally etc.
We all intellectually know there is nothing 'good' or 'healthy' about smoking. quoting the horros and dangers does little to motivate anyone to quit, showing them a cancerous lung, a person dying of COPD etc it isnt personal and we think it wont be us...although some may smoke for 1yr 5 yrs 25 yrs of 50 yrs w/o seeemingly having 'problems' don't think there isn't physical/emotional problems. OK some have such good genes no mater what they wont get cancer, but again smoking is a risk factor of cancer and so many other illnesses. When we engage in a unhealthy habit we many times deny reality of what could happen because it isnt happening now we use the immediate gratification and leave teh long term issues to 'later' such as Im stressed Ill smoke just this one cig or eat just this one cookie well 100# later or when we develop a medical issue its hard to ignore we can just eat more to repress the emotions or smoke more..but is that helpful? What is more important losing wt and being healthy or eating that cookie at that moment? Its challenging but can be done!
No one is prefect we all have trouble managing emotions many of us simply were not given the tools early on...I am rambling I know, I just feel youre challenged by giving up the tobacco, it is a addiction that involves social, emotional, physical withdrawl and tools to work on it at all those angles, running a smoking cessation for the past 4 yrs I can tell you the benefits of a multisngle approach to increase success.
Sadly we can not compare our journey to anyone elses, if that woman didnt have issues at 25 yrs has no bearing on your journey so dare not to compare! OK we can support you no matter what one day at a time! HUGS!
Take Care,
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Hi Jamie,
Thank you so much for your response. I know that smoking gives you cancer and it is not healthy. My father passed away of Cancer 4 years ago and never smoked???
I am glad that I stopped and I thank GOD that I have the will power to stop also because it's not easy. But with these new pills they gave me to stop I don't even crave them. I am so happy for me and my health and so is my family.
Like you said if I am getting this operatiog to better my health I should also stop smoking as well and knock 2 birds with 1 stone, and I am happy that I am doing it for my health and also financially.
Ex-smoker checking in! Also a 2 1/2 year post op and this is what I say:
If you can manage to let go of those cigarettes, it is best for your overall health! There are post-op folks that go back to drinking alcohol, smoking, eating the wrong foods, and other things we are cautioned to stay away from. Some have no ill effects from it and other folks suffer greatly from it. Everyone is different. I went back to smoking for a while post-op too and then got back right and stopped again.
For healing purposes, it is best for you not to smoke. If you plan to get plastic surgery down the line, it is best for you not to smoke - it reeks havoc on your skin - ESPECIALLY if you have been doing it for many years.
Whatever bad habits weight loss surgery can rid you of, take advantage of it and stay away from them as much as possible and good luck to you!