Pre-Op diets
I am having my surgery on April 11th, and I know that some surgeons recommend a specific diet prior to surgery. I have to have my last appt. with my surgeon before the procedure tomorrow. Does anyone have and pre-op diets that they can post for me and also - Can anyone recommend a good Protein drink?
Thanks alot,
My Dr. required 2 weeks of carnation instant breakfast . The "0"sugar kind 3 times a day for nutrition. It had like 10 grams of protien I believe in each serving. Then between I could have broth, crystal ligh****er, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles. It sounds hard but honestly it wasn't that bad. Good luck!
each doc has a WAY different plan of action I have learned. I only had to do a clear liquid diet just the day before my surgery, I had a lap r-ny on 3/12, but stop eating 'real' food at 5pm the night before which was a Saturday. I know alot of docs are concerned with liver size pre-op and they will have you diet accordingly. It seems like it is so much and so overwhelming at once, but just do what they say and be patient with them. They afterall have had many, many years of schooling in the medical field and while their diets seem like its just putting you through one more thing, I truly believe there are reasons for it!! good luck!! (and, being 8 days out, I have lost 6 lbs!!) DO WHAT THEY SAY!! hahaha!~

Oh the darn pre-op diets! My surgeon requries that once you see him you go on the diet of 2 shakes a day and one meal. So I have been only having a meal a day since Feb 22. It is the hardest thing ever because I have a 3 yr old and a 1yr old. Seems like my son is always eating. :-) Anyhow, the shake that I am taking is called Opti-Fast800. I am allowed to have all the suger free jello I want. Tomorrow I find out when my surgery will be...I'm hoping soon but its all up to the ins company.
Best of luck to you