I'm really getting pissed.....
I think this is suppose to be a "support group".... Of course I know that 10 slices of bread is excessive --- you don't have to tell me that!
If you had shakes all day and had nothing to eat you would probably binge like that too. I'm not perfect. Luckily that's all I ate for the whole day. Trust me, I was cursing myself out after I did that so you don't have to tell me what I did was wrong.
I HAVE had shakes all day, i did the same pre-op diet that you did, I remember vividly thinking i was going to kill someone or myself. If you're looking for someone to say great job on 10 slices of toast then look elsewhere. You're going to need to stick with a high protein, low carb diet for life, if you have to cheat try and stick with that. Two days prior to surgery try and stick with the liquid program, you don't want the surgeon to accidentally nick your liver! Remember to buy yourself really cheap flip flops to walk the hospital so you can throw them out there, no need to bring home hospital germs and make sure you bring lip balm of some sort, because of the tube in your throat and nothing by mouth your lips will prune up. I wore the outfit in that i wore home, I was the second one of the say i wasn't in it long enough. I did bring the camisole top with the built in shelf bra and a cardigan for over it......a bra would have annoyed my stitches. I also had a pillow in the car for the ride home, put it between your lap and the lap belt so that there is some protection. G*D be with you. ANDI
Thanks Andi for all that... I do appreciate it.... Sorry, I thought that you were criticizing me and trust me I don't need that since I do it to myself all the time.
I did have a protein bar this morning. My husband said I could have that since it was high in protein. That wasn't too bad. I also had the shake as well. I should probably have one now again. Did you have 1 meal a day though? That's the problem with me, I don't. They said no. I thought I was gonna cry! And because of that, I've been nasty to my husband and my kids! UGHHHHHHHHHH
can't wait for this to be over and be in a smaller size and have everything be big on me!

No, I didn't have a meal a day, my liver was enlarged and in order for them to do the surgery laporaspically i had to shrink it and fast! I was REALLY nasty to my family so i spent alot of time alone that last week (i've got three young kids, it wasn't easy)! I don't throw stones, I want you to think about what you've done and move on, we can't live in the past what's done is done, moving right along now. I had alot of sorbet and ices and crystal light and i found the broth from wonton soup helped get me through because it had alot of flavor and that's what i craved. If you aren't on clear liquids, have a milkshake that might help with the hunger and cravings...there are ways to get through the liquid phase. If someone tells you not to listen to your surgeon PLEASE don't heed that advice, good night nurse having this surgery doesn't make us experts! What hospital are you having this in? ANDI
I'm having my surgery at Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville. My hubby had the same surgery as well so he knows what I can eat and what I can't. He actually went to see Dr. Cerabona about 4 years ago at Westchester Medical but backed out and when he found out that Lawrence was doing the same surgery he went to see the surgeon there (since it's closer to us anyway). My husband made me chicken broth last night and ya know, it filled me up and I LOVED the flavor -- again, I guess that's what I'm craving as well. Jello is good but for just so long and I don't want to get tired of it since I'm gonna have it after the surgery. You can have sorbet and ices as well? I didn't know that. What about sherbet? The dietician told me Crystal Light and water is good too and only 16 oz. of coffee a day. It helps when I'm at work since I'm busy and I don't think if I'm hungry or not. The thing is after I have 3 or 4 of these shakes they gave me it's nauseating just to look at them. So that's why I'm at a loss to figure out what I can eat or drink. But the broth definitely helped. I also had to have some orange juice since I'm a diabetic and my sugars have gone a little low. So that's really the only thing that would help the sugars to rise but I don't overload on it.... just like 1/2 cup is all I need. The protein bar I had this morning definitely helped too with the hunger. It wasn't the best but it helped. I don't know if I could eat that but it's loaded with protein.
Well, I actually had some orange sherbet at 2AM this morning because my sugar dropped. It was soooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!
Yep, my hubby met Dr. Kaul as well for his initial visit and he said he was very nice and I think he met Dr. Cerabona as well and said they were all very nice but he just backed out (actually everyone talked him out of it -- said that he could lose that weight himself)... NOT!
When did you have your surgery and how much did you lose so far?
Hey thanks everyone....
I think that waiting for the insurance company to approve me held up everything and I think they're trying to squeeze this outta me at the last minute. So far I don't think I lost any weight by being on these shakes. Do you need to lose weight before surgery? I mean what happens if you don't? It's so hard and those shakes make me nauseas after having 3 of them ya know? And jello .... I love jello but right now I can't stand the sight of it and I know that's all I'm gonna eat after so I don't want to ruin it now!
Thanks everyone again....
Your strong enough to have gotten this far, you can make it, it is all worth it. I'm having the open RNY on May 21st and have to 3 shakes a day for 2 weeks prior and on the weekend before will be my husbands bosses, daughters wedding and then on Sunday is my sons Birthday party, if I make it through that I can handle any thing . Good luck to you on the next few days especially Tuesday.GOD SPEED AND GOOD HEALTH.