What's wrong?
Ok well I think something is wrong with me. a couple weeks ago I ate some egg beaters and was sick all night and threw up. For some reason i thought i'd try egg beaters again Monday. So around 3pm Monday I ate egg beaters again and instantly i was sick again. I have been sick for almost 3 days now. I felt like I needed to throw up but I couldn't. It felt like it ( whatever 'it' is) is sitting right there and needs to get out. Well This is the third day and I feel a little bit better, but I feel like something is stuck not in my throat but maybe in my esophagus. It hurts when I even drink water. Not hurts so much but I can definitely feel it going down, it is uncomfortable. It wasn't like that until I ate those stupid eggs. Should I try and wait this out or what? I mean I don't know how anything can be 'stuck' esp. eggs, but that is what it feels like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was the same way. Eggs still don't set great with me unless I eat Quiche. That comes out fluffier and not so dry. Sometimes your tummy just gets PO'd when you give it something it does not like. It should start feeling better soon. Give it time to simmer down! It is such a testy little bugger! LOL