wls with a newborn
I haven't posted in a while. I mainly lurke. My husband and I just adopted a baby boy. He's four months old. I've got one more appointment with the cardiologist and then I'm done with the testing. I just switched insurance's because my old one didn't cover the surgery. My question is has anyone here had the surgery done with a newborn baby to take care of. My husband works two minutes from home and stops home a couple of times during the day. I also have my dad who's not that far from me to help out if I needed him. I know that if I asked him to stay with me for two weeks after the surgery he would do that in a heartbeat. I know that you are not supposed to lift heavy things after the surgery. Is 13 pounds to heavy to lift and for how long are you not allowed to lift anything.
Gi G.
on 2/18/07 12:44 am
on 2/18/07 12:44 am
I had surgery with a 3 year old who still wasn't potty trained. My husband stayed home for a full week plus a weekend [which covered the 3 days I was in the hospital and the most critical feeling crappy days]. I was lap to open, so I think I had more issues with recovery, but I did fine. He went back to work that Monday, left me diapers and wipes and a change of clothes where they were easily accessible, we had easy foods for her in the house [since an infant it on bottles, this will be easy!], and she and I watched a lot of movies together. He also works close by and is off by 3pm most days. Really, I remember being scared that he was going back to work, but we did fine. I think if you can get your dad to come help, that would make it even easier. Good luck!
First congratulations on your new MIRACLE baby
I have three little ones. Yes you are right you cannot lift things after surgery. I had my Mom come stay with me ... she was here for 3 weeks. My doctor allowed me to lift them in and out of their cribs and highchairs 3 weeks post op. Originally he said 4 / 6 weeks. He made me promise to be EXTRA careful for the additional three weeks. You can hold and cuddle your son on the couch ... justy don't lift him or carry him around for a few weeks. The hard part will be night time if he isn't sleeping through the night. In the begining it will be hard for you to jump in and out of bed. It will be a good idea to plan for extra help. It felt good to have that extra pair of hands with the kids. I would ask your Dad. Between his help and your husbands help you should be fine and your new son.

Aww congratulations on the new baby boy! Adoptions is a beautiful way to make a family. MY two oldest kids i adopted as infants.
I had some help those first days as my youngest child at the time of my surgery was 2. I was very careful of the lifting of him as i didnt want a hernia. IF you can get help im sure you will need it for about a week. ARE you schedules for LAP or OPEN surgery
that can matter too on your recoverty time.
I was able to work my family daycare business 12 days after surgery but i had kids that didnt require me to lift more toddlers!
ALL the best
and i would run the 13 lbs baby by the surgeon and what he thinks!
THEY KnOW best!
(deactivated member)
on 2/18/07 9:46 pm - MT
on 2/18/07 9:46 pm - MT
Congrats on your new baby boy
I wish your new family all the best!
I think with the help of your hubby and your Dad all should be fine. Just know that you will need help and it is ok to ask, make sure you take your time to get yourself well. Please keep us posted hun.
Debra P

Hi Patty,
I haven't had the surgery yet, but when I did my surgeon consult I asked him about the baby-lifting issue. My little grandson was about 13 lbs. at the time (he's now 20 lbs) and I do a large part of his care. The doctor said absolutely no lifting anything over 10 lbs. for 4-6 weeks. It sounds like you have some good resources to help you post op. There are all kinds of creative ways to manage an infant's care without lifting, and you are getting great advice from the other posters. Congratulations on the new baby!