Dropping by
Haven't posted in a while, i'm doing good. I'm down 185 pounds in 10 months (495-310) Im in a holding pattern right now at 310 but i know what the problem is, i just got to stop eatting crap and get to the gym more. BUt i haven't gain any weight
i just keep moving from 308-312. I had a little problem this week, i had the worest belly cramps. Everytime i would eat any food it would cramp up. But everything is good now. I hope everyone good with all this snow.

Hello Dwight,
YOU look wonderful.... so handsome!!
-185 lost ?? WOW
THATS unbelievable amount of weight
Please don't let the BAD habits sneak in...
You'll be so unhappy IF you DO gain weight...
Don't get comfortable with eating those BAD foods hon....Okay ?
FIGHT this feeling....
Honestly , You SHOULD get yourself to the gym and workout.
the more you workout... the cravings for the *BAD* foods will
slowly turn you off!!
wave bye bye to the bad foods
get right back on TRACK again....
Keep active and healthy my friend