~~It's Been A Long Time~~
Happy Valentines Day
to all the Wonderful NYers!!
I have add a "few pounds" ....BUT LIFE IS STILL GRAND AFTER WLS!!

Would LOVE to hear from the old timers--you are still out there--I need to hear from you--
and new timers too.....with updates!!
Let's hear how your journey is going, the good and the bad.
What is your lastest Wow Moment.
Tell us 
how your doing and if you finding it hard to maintain your weight.
Thanks to all that post and keep this Wonderful and Very Supportive NY Board going!
Keep Posting
your Questions as we learn from each.other

Hi Alice
It really has been a long time....I'm glad to see you are around, I was very worried when I didnt hear from you, in the past I have sent you e-mails but have not heard from you.
sorry about the few pounds but you are well aware of how old habits can creep back into our lives, but as long as you are aware of it you do know what you need to do....I wish you the best, I hope your family is doing well, the last I heard from you was when your daughter was moving. I hope it went well.
As for me I doing ok I have had seven surgeries and the last revision was dec 27th 2006 the doctor wants me to have one more but I think I have had enough surgery right now andwill stop here. The one thing I can still say is that Ihave no regrets.
my told weight lose is 176lbs from a size 26 to a size 10 still hard looking in the mirror and the person looking back is me. I love what I see but reality still hasn't caught up with the rest of me.
but all in all I am much more healthier today then I was 2 years ago. I have come a long way and loving it.
Love and miss you

WOW....2 faces that we havent seen in a LONG time!!
Im so glad to see that you are both well.
I am doing well. Just had my 2 year anniversary and am doing well! I have about another 25 lbs to go, then some plastics (which I am VERY nervous about) Maybe by this summer I will be ready for it!!
Please dont be strangers!!

Soooo Happy to see your beautiful face! I am sorry but I didn't get your e-mails.
I am sadden to see that you have gone through so much, but able to say you have no regrets. You have done an amazing job with your weight loss!
Are all the surgeries related to your micro WLS?? If you are up to it, tells me about them.
I thank God everyday for my WLS and the added pounds are what I have to deal with everyday. Doing my best, but they can creep up on you as fast as we have lost the weight during the honeymoon period.
You have come a long way now just read the poem and set yourself free. You deserve nothing but the best.
Walking past the mirrored glass,
I take a timid peak,
I see a woman staring back,
I'm too choked up to speak.
The puffiness, at last, is gone,
The skin pink and glowing,
The many pounds that melted off,
Finally, now is showing.
Hard to believe until recently,
This same woman was dying,
Stuffing the food to ease the pain,
Heartbroken and crying.
Life evolved around each snack,
She lived for every meal,
Anything to numb the hurt,
She didn't want to feel.
When did she get so pretty?
When did God remove the grief?
How did this miracle happen?
Who provided this relief?
What a gift! A second chance!
I thank God everyday,
For his grace in showing me,
There is a better way.
I walk, I dance, I make love too,
My heart is filled with gladness,
I'm out of bondage, I'm out of pain,
There is no room for sadness.
This woman in the mirror,
Smiles softly back at me,
She has good cause to be so pleased,
She's finally been set free!
----Author Unknown

Hi everyone. Happy Valentines Day. I am doing well. 16mths post op, fluctuate between 125-130 depending on the day. I am in a size 4 and couldnt be happier. I am 5 weeks post op tt that i had done following an abdominal tumor removal. I am back to work as of yesturday and feeling awsome. Wish the weather was better but other then that life is wonderful. Good to see old timers pop on , wish i saw you more often however totally understand how life takes over when our new more active lives kick in. Everyone here is such an inspiration to me and its what keeps me going. I have ventured to other boards however this is my home and nothing compares to NYERS!!!
Love ya