How Long were you out of work
I had 10 days of sick time to use, and I also had 10 days of vacation to use. I ended up only taking 2 1/2 weeks off. I am an admin. asst. so it was easy to go back. I could have gone back a week sooner, but decided to use the time to relax. It's really up to you and how you recover from your surgery.
Best of luck
Hi Lisa
I had surgery on Monday. Went back to work the following Monday. I had a desk job too. But I have to tell you, after 4 hours of working, it was very tiring. You need to take time out for you and get yourself on a schedule. I would recommend at least 2 weeks out. I actually went back to work sooner than the doctor would let me.
I had open RNY and was out of work for 3 1/2 weeks. I wasn't allowed to dirve for the first 2 weeks until the staples were removed. I also have a desk job but I didn't have much energy for the first 6 weeks. I walked very slowly at work and wasn't able to lift anything over 10 lbs. Luckily I work with great people and they helped me as much as possible. The first 5 days I used my sick time but then I went on short-term disability until I returned to work. You have to determine how you feel afterwards and listen to your body. Don't push yourself. Good luck on your surgery date.
Hi Lisa
I had open and was back to work in 3 week the doc wanted me to stay out another week but I was going crazy at home, I would have went back in 2 weeks but he wouldn't let me, I have a desk job but I do alot of walking up and down stair and moving files so I took it a little slow when I got back.
Just remember that every one is different and we all heal differently. I wish you the best through out your journey to a healthier and happier life style.