Looking for info on a surgeon???
I first recommend if you are not already joining these groups for much support/guidance: ESP the revision one! Grads can also help 4000+ postops over 1 yr out w great info!
Sounds like 90 gr protein is a good start but maybe you need 5-7 shakes a day???
A reversal may be needed but maybe just a nutritional overhaul or shortening of the bypass????
Also consideran email to Michelle Curran http://www.vitalady.com/ (VItalady) [email protected] she is a radical 12 yr postop distal RNY and has a wealth of info on supplimentation. Not sure if you are workingw/ specialists in nutrition/bariatrics? A team may be needed (bariatric surgeon, clinical nutrition MD, endocrinologist, Gastroenterologists, hemetologists etc).... Special clinics like Mayo also may be more advanced w/ issues such as yours. I didn't have time to read your story/profile but what surgery did you have where and when? (how much bypassed?) A good experienced revisionist would be who I'd seek, and yes travel is probably needed, like Dr. Gagner in NYC at Cornell http://www.cornellweightlosssurgery.org
or Dr Oh/FOX http://www.ohtobethin.com/contact0.htm or http://www.aboutmso.com/ in Washington state....Your story is needed as it can happen even if rare it is a possibility so keep searching for info and get the word out the good bad and ugly is needed and well if people dont want to hear they dont have to listen but many may! (I do!) Feel free to email me offlist anytime! [email protected]
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"