Cold enough for you?
Tavia V
on 10/16/06 1:59 am - Long Island, NY
on 10/16/06 1:59 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Lisa,
My poor son woke up sweating b/c I had the heat on so high last night. Oh well. I guess I have to freeze from now on around here!
Thanks so so much you, take care!!

Yupper, cold outside and all of us here inside have colds too!
My kids just got over strep throat. Never a dull moment. I AM enjoying the colors on the trees thought...walks have been fabulous lately!
I'm very glad to hear that you're doing well...and that you have a loving husband.
You go girl!

Tavia V
on 10/16/06 2:01 am - Long Island, NY
on 10/16/06 2:01 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Amy,
Strep throat is terrible! I used to get that all the time when I was in middle school. I once was hospitalized b/c of it! I believe that was a first trip to the hospital in my life(and we all know followed by many more!)

Be good you and hope everyone feels better soon!!

So glad to hear that you are feeling better
!!! great to hear that you have gained some weight too - wow 93 pounds.
and Yes, Fall is certainly in the AIR! crisp and chilly in the AM - I love this time oh year. WE decorated the house today for fall and we are carving pumpkins tonight
I was overwhelemd with the new format at first - once I figured things out it was fun playing atround with it. Have fun!

Tavia V
on 10/16/06 2:03 am - Long Island, NY
on 10/16/06 2:03 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Britt,
How are you feeling is the question at hand, no?
I wish I was into decorating and stuff like that, I just do not have an eye for stuff like that. Oh well, right?
Be good you!!

Actually, I just got back from my 10 day recheck with my PCP ... I am happy to report I am "alllllllll Better" - Now the key is to stay that way ... with three little ones - One in dance and preschool - Stay away GERMS !
I am counting down the days Tavia 3 weeks from today.
By the way I used to decorate al the time for the seasons. The past year I haven't - this year my 3 1/2 year old said "Mom lets decorate!!!" ... How can you say no - to that cute little face. We did decorate and the house looks so pretty. I did a fall theme so it can take us through Thanksgiving

Hi my friend I am so happy your finally over the hump, so to speak! Your probably the first WLS patient that gets congratulations for gaining weight!
The cold weather forced me to winterize my motorcycle and store it away for the season, a sad day I might add.
I finally pushed the scale back 7.5 lbs that brings me back to a total of 60 lbs now its time to strive for the final 30 lbs I want to loose.
Looks like its my turn for some surgery soon but it is not WLS related. I will be in Manhattan at the Hospital for Special Surgery for a right thumb basal authorplasty. Translation, severe hand arthritis! I might be there for a night or two not sure yet?
Again Congratulations for the weight gain!

Tavia V
on 10/16/06 2:06 am - Long Island, NY
on 10/16/06 2:06 am - Long Island, NY
Hi kenny!!
Congrats on the weight loss, that is awesome!!
Keep up the good work!
I am sorry to hear you have to have a surgery but hopefully you will feel better afterwards, no? Hey surgery is FUN!...not. Do you know when you are going in?
Let me know if you need anything while you are around here, ok? Feel better!

Hi Tavia
Happy to here you are doing so much better.Glad everything is for the up-and-up
Yes it is to cold now brrrrrr
I don't I want to face the winter this year.I'm ready to my to a warm climate
.Two night ago I had to bring out 1quilt and a comforter for me.I even had to put on the heater.
Your'e right this new format is driving me nut I have to work
on my profile when I'm off.
Well it good to hear from you

Tavia V
on 10/16/06 2:09 am - Long Island, NY
on 10/16/06 2:09 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Claire,
It is beyond cold. I am wearing a turtleneck and sweater right now and I am sure i look like a crazy person, but what can you do!
My poor husband and son are sweating at night b/c I turned up the heat! Oh well, right?
Take care.