It's been a while....
Hello everyone! Wow, it has been so long since I have posted, but I do lurk every once in a while. Lately I feel like I am at a standstill. At my last Dr's appt I actually GAINED 2 pounds. It has been about 6 weeks since then and I have another appt. next week. I feel as though I prb gained a couple again. I started taking the pill almost a month ago and I am feeling a gain since then. I have upped my exercise this week in hopes of counteracting the gain. I see myself snacking lately and snacking on carbs. I don't know. Trying to get back on track. How are you all doing? Any encouraging words? I need them....

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/06 8:56 pm - MT
on 10/5/06 8:56 pm - MT
Hello hun
Good to see ya posting.
I know as we are out a bit the snacking starts to peek back in but know this: If it was before surgery we would NOT have been upset over the 2 lbs gain right? or worried about the scale at ALL. So we have made a big change in our lives and we know we need to keep this weight off and we will do what it takes.
Before we would not have even worried about it.
I know new/good habits takes time to become part of our life (think about how long we had all the bad ones) so we have to allow us that time. I am 16 months today out and still learning liek crazy. Hun keep up the awesome work, you should be so VERY proud of yourself!!!

Debra P

Hi Erin -
I just read your profile - you've come such a long way! Congrats on your progress.
I think it's soooo easy to slip into snacking and carbs...for what it's worth, I just had my 1 yr anniversary and I had a "re-commitment ceremony" for myself. I re-committed to do following my WLS rules...3 planned meals + 1 planned snack. No off-the-cuff snacking. Separating liquids from food by 15 minutes before and 1/2 hour after. And making sure protein comes first. I had been allowing my snack to be all carbs if I wanted...well of course I ALWAYS want that! LOL. So now my snack is also back to being a higher protein/carb ratio. Maybe as a result, the scale actually budged 4 pounds this month...lately it's been going down by 1 - 1.5. I say "maybe" because my losses have always been in chunks since the beginning, not a steady trend. Also, been making sure I'm getting my water in.
I also committed to being more active on the boards and in my support group.
Hang in there!
Mary Mc