Good Samaritan Hosp Suppot Groups- Long Island
Hi Dawn,
This is right from Good Sam's webpage:
Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center also offers a Bariatric Support Group that supplies information and continuing support for patients of pre and post surgery status. Meetings are held every other Saturday of each month from 9 am to 10:30 am in the Guild Conference Center, Room 2. For more information on the Bariatric Surgery Program or the Eat Right Nutrition Program, please call 631-376-4444.
So it looks like Sat. morning is the only time. Too early for me!!!
Where on LI are you? Email me if you want.

Hi Dawn,
The group at Good Sam is one of my favorites. I attend 4 different groups, but not all each month. I'm sorry that my weekend college schedule conflicts so much with the Good Sam group. I won't be at a meeting there again until December due to confllicts. They often give out samples, and it is a great group of men and women of all ages. I highly recommend it.