I love raisins!
Tavia V
on 9/28/06 4:03 am - Long Island, NY
on 9/28/06 4:03 am - Long Island, NY
Hi everyone!
I believe I am good to go this time around! My eating has greatly improved. I have eating things I could NEVER eat before. The food feels like it is going down very well and I dont feel nauseous anymore...actually, I dont feel anything! No more liquid mushy gushy for me, yay.
I am so happy to put all of this behind me and move on already with my life! Dennis is well and supportive as usual. My son got the flu shot yesturday (and is running a little fever) but other than that, he is great!
When the surgeon weighed me I was 106, which is a great improvement for me and it is all from eating better. My belly feels good, my scar looks good and everyone is uncrossing their fingers. I am seeing my pcp in a couple of weeks to run my labs to see if there is improvement in some things and get my flu/b12 shot.
The only bad thing is my wisdom tooth on my right side is coming in and KILLING me! I have to get it pulled next week and get my teeth cleaned. Boo-Hoo. I am so tired of being poked every which way and having things pulled out of me but I have to do what I have to do! I wi**** was bothering me last month so I could have someone pull it out while I was under on the OR table. Hee-Hee.
Anyway, I am very happy and thankful for everything everyone has done for me and my family. Most of you guys on OH have been so supportive and non-judgemental towards me and I greatly appreciate it! You guys are just super! Keep up all the good work you guys! Talk soon.

(deactivated member)
on 9/28/06 4:32 am - MT
on 9/28/06 4:32 am - MT
OMG I am just so happy to see this post from you..
You have been through so much ****!!!
I have to say that you are very strong and awesome women! You have shown us just how strong you are and you kept your awesome sense of humor as well.
Please say thank you to Dennis for me as he has been so wonderful and supportive for you and the family! That is a great thing and you are a very lucky women.
I sure hope your son feels better soon, I am sure it will pass quickly as the effect of the shot wears away.
I also have to have a tooth pulled next Thurs....EKKKKK
I am so upset about it but like you said, we have to do what we have to do and I went for my cleaning last night.....I was so scared but it all went well with the exception of the bad news that the tooth needs to be pulled. It has been about 4-5 years since my last cleaning because I was scared to find a new dentist up here.
O well....
All of those are just for YOU>>>>> 
Debra P

Tavia V
on 9/28/06 4:46 am - Long Island, NY
on 9/28/06 4:46 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Deb,
Thank you so so much, are you great!
Who the hell likes going to the dentist anyway? I cant tell you who...one of my friends does! She says she loves the sound of the drill and loves the feeling of the pick scraping her teeth when they are cleaning them. She is nuts!
I remember when I had my other wisdom tooth pulled a few years ago and felt so wierd. I could hear like this crackling like sound, her hand pulling back and forth and then a pop! She showed me the tooth right after it came out and I think it mentally scarred me from going to the dentist again! Gross.
Good luck you and feel good!

Tavia V
on 9/28/06 6:58 am - Long Island, NY
on 9/28/06 6:58 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Lori!
Thank you so much!
You know what they say, you arent given anything you can handle! Take care you!

Most excellent news Tavia! Long time coming...I am very, very happy to hear you're doing well.
Oh BTW, the thing about your son doing the "butty dance" in Debras post had me in stiches. My two sons 13, and 9 are always being told by me or my husband how cute their little butts are!! They're still young enough to shake a little booty each time and it's so cute how unselfconscious they are about it! (the 13 yo is just on the cusp tho....)
Hugs and continued well wishes.
Tavia V
on 9/29/06 9:12 pm - Long Island, NY
on 9/29/06 9:12 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi Amy!
Thank you so much for your support, really! I means a lot to me.
Kids are so cute, arent they? Mind you I dont want anymore of my own but I love them anyway! Ha.
BTW, my father was from Portugal. Small world.
Be good you!

That is so wonderful!! I knew all the prayers would work for you
I am soooooooo happy that things are finally improving and you are feeling better. This is what we've been hoping and praying for. I bet you and Dennis are both quite relieved at this point that things are looking up.
Keep being your positive self Tavia. That's half the battle.