Hey Debra, i am sorry to hear you are having these issues. I can relate totally. I have been catching myself eating more and more carbs and really need to get a grip. Its just so hard. I know what i do eat is nothing compared to what i used to however i will never allow myself to gain back the weight. I did try pasta the other day for the first time since surgery and did ok with it. I made myself measure my serving and had 3/4 of a cup and that was it.....I keep my measuring cup handy these days. It is getting harder and harder as time goes bye. As long as you are being careful most of the time, eating healthier then you ever did before dont be so hard on yourself. Do what you can.....We are human and we have lived this overeating high carb diet most of our lives...It is so hard to change....However when i read your story and look at your pics you have come such a loooooooooong way and done so well you need to feel proud of what you have accpmplished. You are an inspiration to everyone *****ads your story and gets to know you....Hang in there and do what you can..Baby steps.....LisaMarie
(deactivated member)
on 9/27/06 11:53 pm - MT
on 9/27/06 11:53 pm - MT
Thanks hun for your support and I am sorry to not be the smiling and happy one at this time but sometimes we need to just let things go, get them out and move forward! Just like a swift kick in the butt....
I am so very proud of what I have done this last 15 months.....I just want to make sure this is for the REST of my life...
Thanks again hun 
Debra P

Hello dear. FIRST OF ALL this is not your 'FAULT', even though we all have choices and options, remember we can do only so much to influence our wt and the body rulz unfortunatley. I do agree exercise helps success/wellness and is imperative, I feel if my life is too busy to fit it in *I* have to change my life. (How I wrap my brain around it!) I do not have kids, only 5 furbabies *meow*, but I do work FT + then some have a Hubby and go to school working on my post-masters/doctorate. I choose to get up early, that works for me, I got DH involved also going to the gym w me. I spend 1-1.5 hrs each am and 2 hr some w/e, for me this is what I found had to happen (*and when I slack my wt creeps/sometimes my stress does also and my cravings to eat more, a vicious cycle)....I want u to know what u experience is common and not hopeless.
I can not find your exact Ht on your site (OH or blog) but U mentioned somewhere your BMI was ~ 39.5 w a wt of 245.5 so I am thinking you are 5'6'' or so, so 5'6'' & 160 +/- is a BMI of 26 an ideal BW (using high range is 155#) sometimes people do not like to hear the following:
Maybe your goals for a wt is not realistic? You are a success already, the surgery gives ~ 50% excess wt loss up to 80% for most (ok some less some more but averages here..) and the maintenance is the big deal will u be at least this wt in another 4 yrs! I try to live today but also look at the big picture.
You state: "SNIP: my surgeons goal of 150 lbs and 40 from mine at 125 lbs:SNIP"
That would be a surgeons goal of BMI 24 and your of 20!?
I do not want u to think I am discouraging you at all but WT LOSS SX just does not give those results typically! Setting self up for an unrealistic goal can cause more harm than good IMHO. Instead of focusing on a wt or goal like that how about the healthy lifestyle to maintain, it takse A LOT OF EFFORT day in and out w/o much results (the ones we are used to seeing in the honeymoon period) remember we never learned maintenance! I am not saying u can not lose more, but this is a critical time I feel many end up frustrated and not only do not lose they start regaining! If you can keep the wt in a 10# range here I feel that is success. *of course u need your own beleifs/goals...*
Yup diets do not work healthy choices and lifestyles do. I feel good carbs in right amounts & combinations are helpful to many I also am carb sensitive I do not beleive in diets but the south beach mentality is how I try to frame my eating (moving up/down in the phases as I need, no conting carbs, calories etc)... so far this undiet for 3 yrs keeps me in a 10# range about!
Not easy, but keep posting because the preops need to hear this, I didnt realize the improtance and no one can really explain the honeymoon ending and life continuing for you but soetimes if you heard it it may help when u get there! *the mantra it is only a tool it is only a tool it is only a tool* LOL
YOU ARE A SUCCESS NOW, I hope maybe u can work on that frame of mind so the self sabotage wont creep in! The exercise again for me is a stress reliever #1 and allows me to quite frankly eat more, or to find balance.....
Remember your & your tool did its job and got you to a MUCH healthier wt, and a much lower one than MANY get to! At 5'6''(if this is correct!) You had 130# excess you have lost 125# of that!? a 96% of excess lost.....WOW can u try to let that seep in? ~AMAZING~
Remember the body is the ruler no matter what we want, it sometimes settles in a different spot. WLS is good but not good enuff for most to reach an ideal BW. HUGS I have surely rambled long enuff!
ou can keep on keepin on w this journey although it is changing the rules on u at over 1 yr out I believe u can navigate it w the tool just the same!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

(deactivated member)
on 9/27/06 11:58 pm - MT
on 9/27/06 11:58 pm - MT
Hun thanks AGAIN for your support, once again you know just what to say.
You truely are an asset to this board! Sometimes I have to get down on myself to get myself BACK, ya know?......Like a swift kick in the butt to say WAKE UP! I always try to be so positive on the board and I know others do not like to hear the down but it IS part of this awesome journey and learning!
I am 5', 1/2 inch...short..
I weigh as of this morning 158 so my BMI is about 29.8 or so.....still Overweight....just out of being Obese. My surgeon said that the 80% would mean I would have to be (his goal) 150 8 lbs aways from his goal.
I know I have come so far in the 15 months and I work on this everyday, learning and measuring my food so it becomes 2nd nature and I know soon it will fall into place for me but it is sooooo frustrating!
Thanks again for always being here hun 
love ya
Debra P