Anyone in Rochester area go to RGH and have Dr. Galvin do their surgery?
Hi Andrea,
That would be me....I had my surgery March 13th and I have no complaints at all. I had a rough time to begin with, but that was with insurance. Once I changed insurance, I had no problems what so ever. Dr Galvin along with Dr. Gussmanno are terrific. I look forward to my follow up appointments and the support group meetings held at RGH each month. If you would like send me a note with any questions you may have and I will be happy to answer them for you! We also have a support group that meets and shares info regularly. All the best..... you picked a fabulous team!
Lucy C
Hey Andrea.. I am actually waiting for a surgery date. Due to me not quitting smoking six weeks prior to scheduling the surgery
(which I did not know that I was supposed to) I knew I had to quit before pr-testing so I was slowly trying to quit.
I was supposed to have my surgery on Oct. 24th but now hopefully in November as soon as I get a negative nicotine test..... Say a pray for me please.......
Good luck to you.. If you ever want to chat Im here.... Take care. SHeri