What did ya eat?
This was what I ate yesterday, Sunday, 9017096:
B- 1 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal
1 cup skim milk (YEAH!! Finally poured out that 2% milk! Gack....hated that stuff!)
S- 1/3 cup Health Valley Oat Bran with Almond cereal (granola)
6 oz. Dannon Light N Fit yogurt made w/Splenda (Lemon Chiffon flavor, YUM)
L- Oooohhhh! This was AMAZING! 2 tiny pieces chicken tenderloin, spaghetti sauce and 2 oz. Cabot Tomato-Basil Cheddar Cheese
Ya'll, that's chicken parmesan, and IT WAS AWESOME!!!
D- 1/2 cup cottage cheese with SF pumpkin butter. Oh my word, it tastes like eating cheesecake! Swear to God, try it out!!!!!
S- (we had ladies night)
1/2 small tomato
1/2 small avacado
ranch dressing with bacon bits
1/2 cup Perry's NSA Butter Pecan ice cream
Oh my word, that ice cream tasted great, but I got SO sick from it! I had to lie down b/c I thought I was gonna
I didn't, but it was close. It's very hit-or-miss with SF or NSA ice creams: Sometimes I feel fine and other times I feel like I'm gonna
What's the deal with that? Last time I had it, though, I will say, I had one scoop (about 2 oz, maybe) and I felt fine. This time, nope. I guess it's something that I'll hafta be careful of, or cut it from my menu. (not that that will be a problem, since I've cut tons of food out anyhoo, right?)
Fitday.com totals: 937 calories, 38 grams fat, 86 carbs, (yuckie!) and 72 grams protein
Jen Halliday