New Member...Here
Hello All,
I had the surgery 7/31/06 and I have lost 27 lbs as of 9/15/06. I work out 3 to 4 times a week, have one child, will return to work on 9/25 f/t, and I go to school p/t. I already have an Associate's Degree, but I am in pursuit of my BSN.
Let's communicate.
PS I had no complications and I miss eating popcorn at the movies. I tolerate everything else well so far.
Hi Lisa
I too had the RNY on 7/31/06. I am down 40lbs and doing well. I also work f/t and go to school p/t. This semester I am taking 9 credits, so life will be crazy again! I have two daughters one 18 and one 13 (by far my best accomplishment in life). I have only just started walking about a mile a day. I'm considering getting a personal trainer, bc I do belong to a gym, but never go. Maybe if there's someone pushing me I would move this butt!
Anyway, you sound as though you are doing great.

Thank u so much Maryellen.
I wish I had someone to train with too.
Today, I took my sister to the gym with me and she was tired after the warm-up.
Oh, my gosh...after the stretches, I asked her if she was ready to exercise and she said what the hell were we just doing. Then she went and sat down while I sweated my butt off.
SHe is too funny.
Anyway, I hope you get the willpower to go to the gym.
What am I doing wrong...u lost 40 lbs. That's wonderful. Keep up the good work.
Hey soon as I am up and running, no pun intended, we will PUSH each other. Email me your Fall schedule if you want; I'll go back to work in 2-3 weeks assuming all goes as planned...and then we can meet up.
Note to Lisa: Welcome to a great group of caring and supportive people. I don't know if I would have gotten to this point without them and I found them late into my WLS Journey! (I just had my RNY on Sept. 12th and so far so good)
Huggsssss to you both!
You are right, everyone responds to each question that I have and they all seem nice.
I feel we all need that...many times people w/o this experience cannot relate to us. I am just thankful I am on board now. Thanks for the encouragement. As for my school schedule, I attend One Tuesday of the month from 4p to 10p and the rest of it is a web based class. Not to fret...I'll be done in December.