Yippee **~ I have a date ~**
WOW!! Awesome Britt!
I am at my Mom's 3 days Post-Op and i don't know how to use her (this!) computer because I only know Mas but I wanted to check in and see your date Britt! I am thrilled for you - you are in great hands.
I am recovering slllloooowwwwlllyyy and will stay with my Mom (who's an RN****il at least next Thursday when I see Dr. Garber.
Britt: did you buy the Proti foods while there? So far they are good and easy. I am so glad your doctors FINALLY sent the reports...yippppppppppppeeeeeeeeee!
up at your (well, mom's) computer alreday
Long story with the medical records .... CRAZY ... It is detailed in my profile.
I am happy that I got my date.
I think I could have had it earlier too ... but you know I wanted to take my oldest to her first day.
23 more days and i'll be a looser like you
call me when you feel up to it ... I can't wait to hear from you