back from surgery (9/7)
Wow am I amazed at this... I look like I'm 8 months prego (swelling in the belly) and I feel like I just came home from delivering a baby... muscles all loose and such. Pain is minimal, just loose muscles, I have to walk very slowly and sit and stand up carefully. However, it went a whole lot better then I expected. I had some pretty significant gas pain in the hopital, which they took care of with pain and anti-gas medication, was out by Saturday morning. Thank you all for your well wishes! As with all of you I'm having a hard time getting all the fluids in... I did good with the protein yesterday but couldn't get in all the water...I constantly feel thirsty but can't quench that... I suppose that'll work itself out over the next few days... I'm getting in at least 48oz of water per day.... should be 56 or more, but I just can't seem to swallow more, the pouch is full. Not hungry at all... family is eating and cooking around me, and while it smells very good... I just don't even want it. I've lost about 5lbs since I left for surgery... I'm sure it will all drop off in the next weeks. I'm doing pretty well, hopefully that'll be it for the hospital stays and I'll get through this well.
Good luck to all of those scheduled in the coming days and weeks....if your surgeon is anything like mine this will be a lot easier then your expecting!
Thanks for all the well wishes!

Congratulations, Renee 

I know you don't feel like dancing right now, but it will come before you know it! You will also find that the fluids will go in as necessary.
Welcome to the losing side!!! I am 1 year out and have lost a total of 138 pounds, which is good for me because my doctor didn't think I would do that well as I am 59 and apparently, oldsters lose slower!!! Oh well, I had to prove him wrong.
If you have any problems, complaints, questions, etc., remember that someone on this board will help or just listen.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.