Possible, but still holding breath

Amy C.
on 9/9/06 10:29 pm - Old Chatham, NY
Hi friends, I posted a few days ago about plateauing for over a month. I may have broken it this morning. I'm down to 215.5 after hovering around 218 for weeks and weeks. I don't trust the scale! Two things that have changed over the past few days: I started taking a Zinc supplement per nutritionist reccomendation ( I was slightly defficient based on my last labs) and my tolerance for protein has increased, so I am finally able to eat chicken (and fish and eggs too!). I think my body might have been in starvation mode due to malnutrition. Hopefully, I can start losing regularly again. We'll see.... Thank you guys for all your words of encouragement and good ideas. It's so nice to know I can come here and share trials and joys with a bunch of great people! Hugs, Amy
(deactivated member)
on 9/9/06 10:58 pm - Baldwinsville, NY
Amy, I just have to say......You look great in your pic. I saw your pic before your surgery, and WOW, I had to do a double take, and check out your profile, I almost didn't recognize you. Congrats on the move to lose more. I envy you, but will be on the losing side soon (Oct. 4). Keep up the great work Molly
Amy C.
on 9/10/06 12:18 am - Old Chatham, NY
Hi Molly, Thank you for your kinds words. I am excited to hear you got your date. Do as much as you can to set yourself up in your home for your post op diet and support. Do as much as you can to also set yourself up nutritionally now. Eat healthy, get whatever exercise you can, drink water....this will be your new life post op and the more you habituate yourself to it now, the easier it will be postop (not that it will ever be easy!). Good luck! Feel free to email me for support or questions. Hugs, Amy
on 9/9/06 11:52 pm - Chatham, NY
Amy , Wow you look great!! I am so proud of you !...............Kitty
Amy C.
on 9/10/06 12:21 am - Old Chatham, NY
Thanks Kitty, Your recent pics that you sent show me how great you're doing! Yahoo! xox A
(deactivated member)
on 9/9/06 11:54 pm - MT
Amy, YEAH that is so awesome hun, what a jump huh?... 2 1/5 lbs is just great to see in one shot, miss thoughs days. Moving slowly but hey as long as I am still moving down I am feeling ok. Glad to hear you are doing better with the protein now, our bodies are funny that we can go into that starvation mode huh?... well glad to hear all is good. Take care Debra P
Amy C.
on 9/10/06 12:23 am - Old Chatham, NY
Yeah, Debra....it's nice when you get a big loss suddenly...esp. if you've been seeing the same *&^%$#@ number for a long time! I hope I keep tolerating the new protein's I have added to my diet. This tolerance thing has a mind of its own, doesn't it? xox A
on 9/10/06 10:05 am - Bayside, NY
OMG Amy they are right....I thought you were a new person online.....holy cow....you are beautiful...Wow....You go girl. I too am in the drop and stop plan....I have been holding at 216 for a few weeks. I have to have my blood tested as well. I am waiting for the script from the MD...... I know that I have been eating poorly...I am in the stravation mode....I have to eat more protein...but its hard getting it in.....I do better with the protein shakes...but I know that I should be eating my protein not drinking it. I am a psychologist and I work 10 hour days.....but that is no excuse I have to commit to eating every 3 hours. Now I have to put my new picture up as well.....almost down 50 pounds.....I want to look as fabulous as you......hugs Susan
Amy C.
on 9/10/06 10:23 am - Old Chatham, NY
Susan, Can I carry you around on my shoulder? You make me feel so good about myself! Thank you for the compliments. Yes protein is a real challenge early on post op, but protein is protein and if all you can tolerate is shakes, then do that. It does ease up after a while. Let us know when you post your pic! 50 pounds is AWESOME Keep up the fine work and thanks again for your sweet words. Hugs, Amy
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