What Diet???
Hi MaryEllen
I just read your post and see that you work at St. Joseph's. I do also. I havent had surgery yet. I go for my second endoscopy and then my final consultation with my surgeon on 9/21. I also know that if I get approved and follow through with everything the gym will be calling my name too. It is amazing that it is so convenient and we still don't use it. Good luck with your weight loss.
Hi Karen,
All surgeons have their own ideas about what is best before surgery. My surgeon wanted my weight at 425 lbs before she would do the surgery. At my 1st consult I was at 463 lbs. Once I hit that weight I could eat anything I wanted right up until the surgery. No restrictions at all as long as my weight was were she wanted.
Take care
Karen: As you can see you can get 10 diff answers from 10 different people....
Each surgeon and insurance company has different requirements as far as preop wt loss. I would call the surgeons office and ask this very question. I am sure the coordinator or nurse can answer this and address any concerns you have. Wt loss preop mainly avoiding high carb/fatty meals is optimal to shrink your liver and ease surgery a d lesson risk it will be nicked. Many insurances require 6-12 month medically supervised diets. IF yu have insurance approval I will say that was not a req/ for you! Get as healthy as you can preop! Sip water, exercise eat smaller portions, slow it down avoid caffeine, carbonation, alcohol and sugar and do not eat/drink together less you have to learn and do postop! Be well!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
I'm actually Glad that it's required that I follow the South Beach diet before surgery. At first I was in fear before starting the diet; so I binged on all that I could before starting. It was alot of anxiety; my mind was playing games with me. Since I have been on the diet and on a daily required exercise program as of 7/31/06, I have felt soooo much better than before beginning the diet. Your mind is a mysterious wonder! It was all in my head;" never will I be able to eat this again or that or that; got to get it in now!" I have soooo much more energy and I am down 14lbs! Just had my followup with the nutritionist yesterday and she said I am right on track to what the Dr. is looking for and to keep up with my exercise. I don't meet my Dr. till 10/5/06. When I went to the seminar they said they make everyone follow this diet because if you can't loose weight on a diet that is actually how you should be eating then you won't be able to be successful in changing your lifestyle after surgery. If you can show you can change your lifestyle now; the surgeon will definitely go forward with the surgery. If not; then she will not accept you for surgery. So, again it's great to what I am doing now; it allows me to see a clear path ahead to how much stronger I will be after surgery and in knowing the reality of it all! Best luck to you!
Thanks Bren,
Although I always have to question these doctors *****quire a weightloss before considering you. If it was THAT easy, we wouldn't be here in the first place! I do understand that sometimes it's a MUST for the Extra Morbidly Obese in order to physically do the surgery...but to make it an across-the-board requirement makes me angry.
Thanks again!

Is your dr. Dr. Posner? I had my surgery with him and he made me go on the south beach diet. I too am glad I did. I lost 40# before surgery and it's been 4 months since my surgery and the total is 126# And counting. I found it to be easier that I went on the diet before because I didn't have to concentrate on groceries and ordering at a restaurant after the surgery. I came natural because I was used to it. I'm from Niagara Falls too. Good Luck
Wow! No, I don't have Posner, I will have Forbes. I did meet them both at the seminar however, and I like them both. I just want everyone to understand our Dr's did not make us go on the South beach diet because we were morbidly obese and needed to loose so much to make the surgery safer; we are required to go on this diet, because this is the way we should be leading our lives and will be for the rest of our lives. Also, everyone can loose weight; we all have. The point is; if we are seen not able to loose on this diet; you either are not changing your lifestyle and struggling with the concept of no sugar and your limit on carbs in your diet or you may just have a hormonal imbalance to loose weight period. They do; do two tests well beforehand to see if you have the hormonal imbalance; which I'm not too sure on the exact test to how it is called; but I believe it's something like H-pylori (bloodwork) and can't recall the other that I did; but I had to pee in a jug for 24hrs and turn it into the lab the next day. At my nutritional followup the other day I was told they came back negative; meaning I do not have a hormonal imbalance. I was also told, if it were positive that they would not do surgery on me, because with even surgery; I would not loose the weight. I just wish all Dr.s would make it a requirement to go on this diet; because it has been great; like I said; I know now; well before surgery to how in reality my life will be changing and can one grasp that? I wouldn't want to go into surgery blindfolded to say or jump in the pool with out experiencing proper eating skills to what to expect. I know you can read all the forums you want to get one's sightings; but you don't know until you actually change your own lifestyle yourself. Hey, Kelly, email me or I will get back to you.