You're right, you're right...I know you're right. Learning is painful and laborious. It's good to be reminded that plateauing is part of a bigger process, but I am just so ready to see different numbers. Oi vey..
RE:kicking the exercise up a notch...I'm considering myself lucky that I am sticking to 30 minutes every day (more on weekends). Time is a precious commodity in my life now. At this point daily exercise is challenging enough! Maybe I can carry arm weights or something?
Anyway, thanks as always for you caring words and wisdom. You're the best!
Boy, you have a good memory. Yes, my plans got sidetracked after I had a heart attack back in May. I'm doing much better now and I am scheduled for a Dr.'s appt next Wednesday to start on my 6 mth Dr. supervised diet. If all goes as planned, and insurance cooperates, I should be looking at surgery sometime in the first half of 2007 (with any luck)