When Did This Happen?
Hello one and all! Today is the first day of school here in my part of Orange County. I sent my 11 year old off to middle school today, he was so excited and I am about ready to throw up. When did he get so independent, heck when did he get so tall (we see eye to eye now), when did he develop the ability to reason so well: MOM i neeeddd a cell phone, MOM i neeeedddd the house keys etc etc.
It's so tough as a paren****ching your babies grow up. Have i taught him all that he needs to know, what if the other kids are mean to him, what if he has no friends, what if his teacher doesn't think his quirks are cute OR charming? I swear these were the same fears i dealt (or didn't deal with as the case seems to be) with when i went to school. If you all need me today i'll be glued to my cell phone in case the kids need me or i'll be baking cookies cause that's what we moms do on the first day of school. Hugs and prayers for our kids, ANDI
hahahahaha since weight loss surgery both of my boys are bigger then me but they have become my best friends...... i have one in high school and one in middle school ... the middle school one at first wasnt hard it was the HIGH SCHOOL one that churned my stomach....... i thank god i did the right thing (i pray ) in my home and that they grow to be mature adults and successfull....... there will be no cookie baking here because i have a job that i cant take off the first day of school anymore i just need the money and if i dont work i dont get paid...... im sure your son will do just fine and my prayers are with you and them
today i will take my older one for a haircut and then both of them to lunch..... and have a really nice last day with them!!!!!!!
Good Morning Stacy! When do your peeps start school? We need the money badly right now as well but I am thankful i have flex hours at work so I am able (thank G*D) to schedule work around the kids, i'm not sure how much longer that will last but as long as it holds out for a little while longer! Be Well and try and come with us when we have a NY outing, i'll let you know what we're doing, when, where and all the other minutae. ANDI
tomorrow is their first day of school..... im not even allowed at the bus stop anymore so it doesnt matter anyway ........ i dont have to be in till 9 so i can get them up and out but it has been a tradition for years that all the mothers take the first day off and when the last bus leaves we all woooo hooooo and celebrate with lunch.... so this is the first year i wont be partaking of that oh well.... lemme know where and when and ill be there with bells on ... i never need a reason to get dressed up and hang out!!!!!!
OMG i feel the same way....I have one that started High School today, one that started Middle School today and one that started PRE K today....I have one left at home thats my 3 year old. How am I old enough to have kids in high school and middle school????? My son is traveling by subway to get to school, alone ugh,,,,does that hurt or what. They are growing up ....This is why we have to embrace every moment we have with them because we blink our eyes and they are grown! Hang in there....LisaMarie
Hi Andi
I was nuts the fisrt day my little one started pre-k,I was so nervous that she wouldn't fit in and I thought would have to get her from school.But I noticed she pick out a different out for school,she wanted to walk to school by herself(school was a block away).she was so excited I didn't see how happy she was to to go school.
When we move away from the city I was terrified that she started HS upstate .I was afraid that no one was going to like her and she wasn't going to meet new freinds.But again she didin't needed me and went to HS without a hitch.She came home that afternoon and talked me ears off about school and new freinds.Now my little one isn't little anymore she in college doing her own thing.
You know Andi if you sit down long enough and watch your child for that moment you can see them grown up before your eyes.
Just a little wisdom my sister told me.

ANDI - I can totally feel your pain. Our daughter started school a week and a half ago - a freshman in college that is in a different state 3 hours away. Our son (our last child) took his driver's license test today and passed and now will be driving to his first day of school tomorrow. I can so relate to the did we teach them all the things they need to know without us right there. I don't know about either of them I can only pray that the answer to it is yes. Partners in pain. Ann