A perplexing question
Good evening everyone, I hope that you are all having a nice Labor Day Weekend. My question tonight is that I am looking for a support group in the Rochester, NY area. I live south west (in Caledonia) so the closer the better. I want to thak you in advance for your helping mr find a group. Thanks again Ann
I believe if you email my friend
Beth Steinmetz (She owns Beth's Protein Boutique as well) These are the email addys I have/phone for her:
[email protected] or at [email protected] or [email protected]
per her site: http://bethsproteinboutique.com/catalog/index.php
Our Support group is now meeting at my home! Come join us every 2nd and 4th Monday night at 7 pm. Please call to reserve a seat! 585-749-8546
Also this group may give you ideas on different support groupsin that area:
According to this message is one in:
Rochester General Hospital Support group meeting
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
This event repeats on the third Wednesday of every month.
Event Location: WEINER ROOM
Street: 1425 Portland Ave
City, State, Zip: Rochester NY 14621
Phone: 585-922-5465
CALL 585-922-5465 TO REGISTER NOTE: New start time!!!
Parkridge support group meeting
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
This event repeats on the third Tuesday of every month.
Event Location: Parkridge Hospital
Street: Long Pond Rd
City, State, Zip: Greece Ny
Notes: new meeting room..second floor down hall from cafeteria Destefano room
Also looking at the ones listed on Vitaladies site:
1st Wednesday & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Park Ridge Hospital, cafeteria. Free, donations accepted gratefully. Alice Grillo [email protected] (585) 392-6511
Or email a dear friend of mine:
Carole Lakomec
[email protected] she has the scoop for that area! (*And tell her Jamie said hi!)
Geographically I am not sure who is where around ya, but another site to look at (has contact info on it as well):
Terrie Cashimere 607-786-4487
[email protected]
I am in Saratoga County area in upstate NY a ways from you, but I try to keep tabs on and connect w/ other Support group leaders as I am able!
This site from OH is another one to look at (I know I post my support group on here!)
OR these sites:
http://www.wlslifestyles.com/images/Media/Listings.pdf *Thisis same list that is in the back of the WLS LIFESTYLES magazine each edition!
Well that is all the info I have sure someone will help you out ok!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Hi there Ann,
I just wanted to drop a line and say hi there. I moved to Syracuse from Caledonia last year. I lived in Caledonia, and my daughter was in the Avon school district for 7 years. So from that neck of the woods.
I know that there is also a yahoo group for western NY. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/WLSnetworkofwesternNY/
Try that one out. Where are you having/had your surgery?