The Walk from Obesity in Manhattan is 9/17. Here is a link to the details: http://walkfromobesity.com/manhattan/index.php. There is going to be a restaurant nearby that will be offering discounts to walkers - it might be a good meeting place. The details for the restuarant aren't on the website, but I could get them if you are interested.
Take care,
What about an army football game and some serious tailgating? As the weather gets colder (blech) what about skating at Rockefeller Center or Central Parks Wohlman Rink (i think i spelled that wrong) there is "stuff" to do at Chelsea Piers that sounds rather fun. I'm not sure the walk for obesity is a great idea, it's tough getting to know people at a starting line (that and i can't make it that day). If these ideas are not what you are thinking tell me what you are looking to do. Hugs, ANDI
NO NO NO Big Dog this is your baby and you're gonna run with it! I'll help out where needed but that's all i'm doing. Do you like amusement parks and think Six Flaggs would be fun? Look on the internet at Chelsea Piers and see if that's something that sounds fun. I don't want to steam roll over you (yeah i know it's in my personality) so you tell me your ideas and i'll embellish. Hugs, A