answers please????
Well I am almost 6 weeks post op...but a little discouraged!!!! I have only lost 35 pounds! I know thats good cause I couldn't have done it on my own...but I thought I would loose more!
Also, Im still not eating well. I bring up food and still on liquids...and with taking all my meds...its hard to even get the fluids in! This week I am lucky if I had a whole cup of soup..and 1/4 cup of oatmeal...and thats for the whole week, yet I only lost 3 pounds this week.... I was a little disappointed with that!
Today I have had nothing to eat yet....I weigh myself every Sat. this way I keep a log. And like I said, I am lucky to get 40 oz. of liquid a day in me...and I have to force myself to do that!!!
Also, I notice like Kenny did...that I am leaning forward alittle!!!!!!!! And its not the "boobs" either!!!
On a good note, I have went down a whole size in my clothing...including the bra!!!!!!
I know its a while to see more results...just wondering if others feel like this after the surgery too?
As for a UTI...yep too! Is this a normal thing with this surgery?????
OK Thanks for listening...apptreciate it...any suggestions or comments??? thanks again!
I don't know what surgery you had fran, but your body is probably in dehydrated starvation mode. At 6 weeks out, you should be eating more then a bowl of soup and 1/4 cup of oatmeal, regardless of which surgery you had. I'd highly recommend the book "Weightloss surgery for dummies" it gives you some good menu options, and some recipies.
Are you drinking protein shakes everyday? If you can't eat, you should be still trying to get in at least 60 grams of protein a day. If you can't do it through food, protein shakes a good option. Profect is a very good product if you can't tolerate a lot of food. It's very expensive (about 3 dollars for 1 vial), but each vial has 25 grams of protein in 3 oz.
You might want to try other protein shakes, I highly recommend you get a few different sample packs of protein powder and try all different kinds. Everyones taste varies.
The most important thing you can do now is push water...most surgeons recommend 64 oz a day MINIMUM (as in you need more then that, but that will keep you alive for now). When you don't have enough water in your system, it slows down weight loss, because water helps with fat lipidization and digestion.
Finally are you exercising? Walking? At 6 weeks out (if you have your doctors ok), you should start exercising.
Hope this helps
BTW 35 lbs for 6 weeks is very good..congrats!!
Hi Sugar! I haven't seen you at the support group and this would be the perfect place for your questions. Are you at least eating miso soup which is higher in protein or tomato soup you make with milk?
At 35 pounds you are losing like 5-6 pounds a week and with only 7 days in a week you are losing just under a pound a day....give yourself a break Franny girl you're doing phenomenal! The UTI is because you aren't getting the liquid your body needs. I hope to see you soon and give you hugs. Love always your niece, ANDI
I hope you consider taking the word ONLY out of the sentence "I HAVE ONLYLOST 35# in 6 weeks" HELLO that is fantastic...I posted yesterday to Laura Beam this email (most point will fit you as well ok!) HUGS!!! (Not saying YOU have a stricture as she did and everyones pouch healing is different it is imperatice you get in flyuid 64 oz dayof the kidnesy start to shut down etc! Choose fluid over food ok! And protein drinks try em!
It does not suprise me in the least you haven't lost weight, your starving and dehydrated! (*and probably feel like crap!) Strictures happen in up to 9-10% patients after RNY, their body just seems to heal more and scar on that stoma, yes scope/stretching usually takes more than once, 1-6x or so actually, so be patient as you can knowing that it is NORMAL and nothing you or anyone else did/didn't do to cause this. The risk is stretching it too much this is why they do a conservative stretch and may need to repeat! A enlarged stoma is just as bad as a too small one ok!
I AGREE W/ NOT GETTING INTO GRAZING (A LITTLE HERE AND THERE EATING) *opps sorry cap lock!, I would keep from carbs as well (fruit/tomatoes) and stick w/ protein, so you rev up metabolism, give your body fuel so it does not break down your muslces/organs for that and you are not wasting lean muscle mass! Do you use whey protein shakes? Just a thought to consider! The water/fluids are needed to keep your kidneys healthy and liver to process the broken down fats it is trying to do! Also w/ a UTI fluids are the best u can do! Now to avoid dehydration right now I'd say if you have to choose between food/fluid, fluid should win out. Setup a system of making sure each hr you get in 4 oz (make a game of it, develop a mini notebook w/ each hour in left column and check off in right? or take a 2 L bottle and fill it with water each time in same amount you drink so you have a visualization of how far you have to go, make sure 1/2 is full by mid day so yiu dont run short as early on and w a stricture there is no catching up!
Now as for the prevacid the issue is keeping ulcers away esp w/ the stricture and stretching (my best guess) many wls keep pts on this type of med preventatively for 6-12 months! Better safe than sorry ya know!
Know your wt loss stall is due to the dehydration and starvation and maybe carbs a little.... You can reverse this w/ exercise (revs metabolism), getting in at least 64 oz PURE water preferably (try warmer may soothe better w/ a squeeze of lemon and a packet of splenda? or warm broth!), I rec. proetin shakes for fluid and protein to avoid that loss of lean muslce mass that will lower your metabolism and slow wt loss more, focus on that and I bet u get a suprise at the scale! PLUS the infection can reak havoc w your scale also.
This is my advice it isn't about the numbers on the scale ultimately it is about being healthy, focus on those habits and the numbers change when yiour body allows! You can only influence wt so much, right now your influencing a stall.gain.. You can reverse it.
Hope this makes sense and you feel better emotionally/physically soon!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"