Anyone else have insurance through Healthy NewYork?
Don't have it... but if you're thinking about approval, I don't see why not... so long as you would qualify under any other insurance based on medical necessity (IE: BMI over 40... or BMI over 35 with other complications) and all paperwork is filled out to their satisfaction.
WLS recently became covered by medicare too, so that should help give a bit of leverage.
I'm just starting the approval process myself, but I'm pretty confident in my situation being approvable... BMI 40-41 PLUS Diabetes PLUS fatty liver disease PLUS degrading arthritis in my left knee... I have pretty strong grounds for it. Your situation may vary.
Best of luck to you.
Yeah, I've got the classic co-morbs of type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypertension in addition to a BMI of 43 so I don't forsee any roadblocks, but I also found out that they don't do anything different with the coverage than anyone else who privately gets insurance other than subsidize the premiums. WLS is covered if medically necessary which in my case it is. I have Oxford Liberty through them. Paperwork sent out last Monday so, I'm still waiting to hear back..just a little nervous as anything could happen. Good luck to you also!
I have coverage thru healthy NY. Its administered by Independent Health. So, far no problems getting approved. I had my initial consult in April and banded in July.
I did have to pay for the psych. eval, as Healthy NY doesn't seem to have psychiactric coverage. (I guess NY thinks crazy people don't deserve coverage.) But other than that, I haven't had any issues. I was approved on the first letter to the company.
I'm still waiting for my co pay bills though. I understand the hospital co pay will be at least $500.00, and I don't believe that counts anastethisia or any of the other drs. and such.