Yay for me i got approved!! Well i called my insurance company and this guy answered my call sounded kind of young but also sounded cute .Lol yea i know stupid right well He put me on hold and he said well i just spoke to management and they approved you gave me my confirmation number and everything and said the letter will be sent out to my doc's office and to me.How freaking cool is that.Im really happy.And ive only told about 3 ppl about this surgery my mom my bf and my friend that also got the surgery!Well i shared the news with my mom she said well good im happy she couldnt talk much because she had a patient.my bf is at work and my friend i dont know where the hekk she is but Im so happpppppppppppppppy o my gosh!! so i go in for my pre admission test sept 5th.I dont post much on here but i would like to thank everybody who showed me love on here.Thanks alot!I need all the support i can get because i will be doing this alone which is not a problem.My mom has work so doed my bf and my friend lived in philadelphia.I havent told anyone else because if they are judgmental with me being fat. then imagine what they would they would say if i told them i was gettin this surgery.How i see it is F them All i need is my mother anyhow she supports any decision i make.Even though she cant b there she works in the same hospital im having my surgery in so she will visit when she can!