Question on Cottage Cheese
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/06 11:13 pm - MT
on 8/28/06 11:13 pm - MT
Hello All,
I have a question on Cottage Cheese (about 3-4 oz), I notice that when I eat it for breakfast I am hungry within 1/2 hr of finishing it. I can eat other things that are the mushy/soft like that and it does not do that to me but the cottage cheese does. Has anyone else had that reaction?
I do add some fruit to it but it can not be that because I am eating fresh fruit every morning anyways. Hubby seems to think it might be starting my metabolism working since it really is so good for you but do you think that could be so? I am SOOOO hungry after and that is soooo weird.
Well any info would be cool...~hugs~
Take care 
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/06 1:33 am - MT
on 8/29/06 1:33 am - MT
Thanks hun and I will have to see if I can find out what the index is, I never remember the cottage cheese acting like this but since the surgery it is getting worse the more I eat it..
Thanks for posting hun
Debra P

Hi Debra,
What other soft mushy things are you comparing cottage cheese to? Could it have to do with density or fat level of cottage cheese compared to other food?
I just have some days when I'm hungrier than others, no matter what the food content is... for no good cotton pickin' reason!
Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 8/29/06 10:25 pm - MT
on 8/29/06 10:25 pm - MT
Well things like yogurts and puddings, it seems right after the cottage cheese i am SOOOO hungry, weird really. Somtimes I can eat something and not feel full but with the CC I am mad hungry.
Oh well I guess it is time to lay off of it.....
still learning every day!

Debra P

We may not find an 'explaination', but with that said cottage cheese (like yogart) is a slider food or soft food, meaning many get into soft-calorie syndrome and can eat larger amounts and NOT stay full (goal of tool) and gain w these longer term due to that issue (or with things that dont fill and are not malabsorbed such as crackers, chips pretzels etc), with that said then I suppose choice is knowing how cottage cheese affects your hunger/satiety perhaps not using it at least in am? What fruit are you eating? It is my experience that fruit is a sugar although natural, berries lowest on GI but things like bananas MUCH higher, and I subscribe to the philospohy that rises in insulin due to sugar increases appetite. I mix a protein w/ fruit if/when I eat (such as 3 frozen strawberries in my am protein shakes or an apple w. skin and a cheese stick or 1T peanut butter), alone fruit just makes me crave more sweets. Learning about your body is 1/2 the battle I suppose! To look up GI of foods try: (Glycemic load has alot to do w things as well)
weird I see GL here and moisture content is high (81%) cant see GI though?
For many of us eating ANYTHING (chewing) can make us hungry sooner, when I do a shake in am I can go to 12 noon from 5am and not feel hunger, minute I chew something (I know this is partly psychological) I am hungry in a few hrs?! I do not wait 7 hrs to eat as that slows metabolism so I do am shake prior to gym, then 8-9am a lo carb yogurt (never fills me but I need to keep things reved in metab. dept! and have a few blueberries in it or lean protein bites I get at The further out I got the more my hunger returned (7 mo for me) and it was a new learning exp again, That is when I started shakes and ditched my milk (13 g carbs in a cup for only 8 g protein) and when I started regaining wt at 1 yr i looked at the philosophy of the south beach to help me lose that 10# bounce back before it became more! so by by bread! LOL for the most part.. Oh and I started waiting 2 hrs after eating before drinking then as well to keep food in pouch longer!? Just my 2 cents as usual! LOL
this site has cottage cheese as red light (nono food!?)
I cant find a number looking for one quick this am and gotta get to the gym! Have a great day!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Hi Jamie,
What do you mix your protein powder with if you're not using milk due to high carb? Do you use soy milk?
I've been so busy trying to boost the protein that I haven't given much consideration to carb counts and I am still losing weight very slowly these days so I wonder if I should start cutting back on the carbs in my protein (cause I'm not eating bread, potatoes or pasta!)?
Oh so much learning, so little time!
(deactivated member)
on 8/29/06 10:23 pm - MT
on 8/29/06 10:23 pm - MT
I myself us the Hood Carb Counting (now called Calorie Counting or Calorie Countdown). I get the reg milk (2%) and the Choc Milk, I just love that and it is low in sugar and the carbs.
Just wanted to add that in...

Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/06 10:28 pm - MT
on 8/29/06 10:28 pm - MT
Thanks so much for this info....~hugs~ You have come through again, as always..
I will have to read more I guess and lay off of the cottage cheese for a while.
I still find it so weird that I get this mad hunger after eating it, not just that I am not full or still hungry but this WILD hunger.
Maybe it does have to do with the Index in the fruit but with or without the fruit it still does it. I add berries mostly, either it is fresh strawberries or blueberries. Once in a while it might be can peaches but not that much and I try to stick to the fresh things.
Thanks again hun 
Debra P

Hi Debra,
I have found the same thing! And from what I remember from the begining its all about hard protein vs soft protein. If I eat tuna for breakfast (which I do most days) I don't get as hungry as fast, but if I east cottage cheese, I am STARVING 1/2 hour later. Our bodies process soft protein quicker and if my memeory serves me correct that is the issue, your body is just processing it quicker and you get hungry again. I now use cottage cheese and fruit as a snack vs a meal, b/c for a meal I need something to take me for a longer period of time! Hope that helps!
Have a great Labor Day Weekend!