Has any1 had Dr.Pomp?
Hello Azziza,
I can't answer any of your questions but just wanted to pop in and wish you good luck and also let you know that we are going thru the same waiting period with the same insurance company to have surgery on the same day. So we will be WLS partners, I will keep you posted.
I had my surgery with Dr. Pomp on 12/9/04. He is wonderful. I wasn't as happy about my stay in the hospital. However, I do know others who've had their surgery more recently and they had better experiences. Feel free to email me formore details ([email protected]).
Take care,
Hi Aziza,
I will be at lenox hill hospital on 77st and Lextington ave. My papers should have been submitted on the the 16th of this month. I was told it takes about 15 days to hear from bcbs, that will be tomorrow unless they meant 15 business days. I will keep you posted and let you know the moment I hear from them.....I have no more finger nails to chew.....I would start on my toe nails but that would be impossible.

Lol.Its business days they arent open on weekends.Im gonna be at 68th st and york ave.The funny thing is they gave me a date already which is september 19th.and my pre admission testing is sept 5th.Which is 4 days from now and i cant take those test unless i hear from my insurance company.My paperwork shouldve been sent out the time yours was on the 15th but that didnt happen.The P.a said she was sending it out that day but she lied.So i called back 2 days later and she said it would be sent out thursday or monday and that was a lie Come to find out the office didnt send in any of my paper wor****ill last week friday aug 25th.They said they were backed up.Which made me mad because i finished my last appt with my nutritionist on the 11th of august.They dragged there feet and i will be the one to suffer.So more waiting after waitin 6 months because i had to do a recorded diet for that time.