Hi Everyone,
I got my date! Sept. 12th, Mercy Hospital!! I can't believe it. It took exactly 2 months and 2 days to finish all my Pre-Op requirements. WOW. Time flys when you're being poked and probed!
It hit me that this is real...and I am feeling VERY nervous, almost to the point of nausea. Is this normal? I have never had an operation before this (I also have no kids).
I went grocery shopping last night and looked at all the foods I love and will have to give up. I am ready to do it because this extra weight has taken away my quality of life......but seeing those foods and thinking the words "NEVER AGAIN....NEVER AGAIN...." was like a scene out of a horror movie in my head! LOLOL It sounds funny now but let me tell you: I almost had to take a Xanax.
Ok so to end this on a positive note: I Have a date. It's real. I cannot wait to be a loser!!!
Hugsss to all,
PS: If anyone can help me with how to add updates/info to my OWN OBhelp page, please email me! I want to have a page like many of you do...and I don't know how

I am so excited for you ... I cannot wait to get my date. Time is going to fly by even faster now.
I emailed you about your profile.
Click on the top right "my account"
then go into "general info" (update your profile here)
add what you want and hit save.
let me know if you have eny questions ... I'll try to help you!
Congratulations on getting your date ~ that is WONDERFUL!

Of course being nervous is a normal reaction,I was pretty good until a few days before and the day of was like what am I doing? But the fact is we do know what we are doing,we are changing are life.
Your eating will definitely change and certain things you may not be able to have again but these are the things that got us where we are now,needing surgery. I am 2 weeks post-op on puree food with 2 more weeks to go until I start real food again.So the fact of the matter is you can still eat a lot of things but hopefully we didn't do surgery to cheat and we make healthy choices.
Best of luck to you for a safe surgery and quick recovery.

I am so happy for you! I know how you feel with the nerves! I have been waiting 2 years for my lapband surgery & now have a date of Sept 18th. There are so many special people on OH. I was depressed when I was denied over a year ago. I should have stayed posting and didn't
Good or bad times I think we all need the support. I'm wishing you the BEST with everything!

Hi! CONGRATS on your date!! I am new to this site and this is my first reply. I have just started the process. I met with Dr. Garber, have had the sonogram of my galbladder and saw the cardiologist for a consult. I can't wait to get all of these appointments out of the way. I go back and forth with accepting and believing that the surgery will happen. I'm sure once I get a date I will feel the same way you do!! You had me laughing when describing your trip in the supermarket. I keep telling myself I need to learn to eat to live not live to eat!!! That will be a big change for me!
How very exciting for you! You will be a loser soon enough!!!;-)
Hi and welcome!
I wish I had found this support group/site earlier in my struggle with whether or not to go ahead with WLS...but at least I found it! I have found so much support here in the tiny bit of time I've been posting. It's nice to read about people in similar situations with the same fears...the same struggles. You're in the right hands with Dr. Garber! I met with 2 other surgeons and even though Dr. Garber is NOT in my insurance plan....he was the best (in my opinion) BY FAR!
By the way: Dr. Garber's LOSERS have started a weekly support group (in addition to the monthly meeting at Mercy Hospital). It's Thursday nights, 6:30, in his office. No doctors attend; it's run by Losers !!!!
Keep in touch..and best of luck.
PS: I'm glad you laughed at my supermarket-madness !!!