WOOOO HOOOOO 2nd Visit Done; Will get date tomorrow!!!
Well...it only took 2 LONG months but I made it to my 2nd appointment with Dr. Garber! I can't believe it took 2 months to get everything done. Working fulltime didn't help; getting time off wasn't easy because I wanted to save up as much as possible.
Anyway: They told me it will be either Sept. 12th or Sept. 18th, and to call at 2pm tomorrow to find out.
It suddenly hit me: THIS IS REALLY GONNA HAPPEN!
Ok so...I have been negligent in writing daily updates but I cannot figure out How/Where to start it! I'm on Macintosh computers, but I would think it's done the same as a PC...so anyone who wants to help, please email me on that!
WOOOOO HOOOOO I am excited and scared! Will update tomorrow.
By the way: I met Britt today at Dr. Garber's office! Very sweet woman

yay! It was nice to meet you (and yuour mom)
too bad we couldn't chat longer!
whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
That date is right around the corner!
I made my appointment for my endoscopy September 6th and my 2nd consult with Dr Garber is September 14th. You may already be on the loosing side by then.
I am so excited for you!
Keep me posted~