Lets Get to Know Each Other Again......
Hi everyone.
I know I posted this a few months ago and It was great because we all got to tell a little about ourselves. Sometimes its hard to place faces with long profiles. Just a little about yourself that you would like to share. I will start.....
Hello NY, my name is LisaMarie. I just celebrated my 35th birthday this past July. I am the mother of 4 beautiful children ages 14, 11, 4 and 3. I am married for 12 years next week to the man I have been with since I was 15!!! I am a registered nurse and just recently returned to work 2 months ago. I had my weight loss surgery last Halloween and have lost 85 pounds. I had my surgery here in NY at St Vincents Hospital. I have to say it was the best thing I ever did for myself and my family. I am now wearing a size 4 jeans, I am 127 pounds at 4'11". I have so much energy and feel so good. I have also made many friends on this board, some of which I have been able to meet up with and hang out with. I hope to meet many more. I havent posted a whole lot lately just really busy with life but I will be around much more when the weather starts to get cold....... It is just an amazing journey. This surgery has changed my life! I have many pictures in my profile for anyone who is interested...... Ok now who is next???? 


Hi My Name is Fern .
I live in RVC LI NY .. I am done with all my tests going for cpap machine tonght
I set a date for October 5th with Dr. Vohra pending GHI approval and they are testing me daily with more information I have to get even tho I did all my tests .
THEY CANT BRAKE THE SPIRIT NOW .. I am 5'8 251 lbd cholesterol over 300 sleep apnea cannot wait to be on the losing team

ALLOW ME TO ADD I am hapily single never been married and no children at 42 years old
I am the best "auntie" a kid can ask for lol ESPECIALLY IN DISNEY
I also run a law firm ...high stress job .......and for the first timei n 30 years
I quit smoking on wed...
.. I am using the patch I also gave up all sugar and caffeine the same day
so its really been a test this week.......... its friday night I am going to sleep clinic so first weekend night will be ok
I have my fingers crossed for success with my new life
awaiting gastric bypass and health and thiness to come

Hi LisaMarie and hello to everyone else
I'm Elizabeth, 32 years old, going on 33 by September. I am originally from Brooklyn, but have been living in Manhattan for about 11 years now. I have no children, not sure if or when that will happen
I am still hoping to have surgery and at this point have been pretty much just playing the waiting game. I have done all I have been told medically and am just hoping now that the paper work needing to be sent to HMO for an approval will now be taken care of as soon as possible. I have been overweight most of my life and consider myself to be a late bloomer with life. I am looking foward to changes and hope that the surgery will be the first major tool in helping me to do this. I was diagnosed with very high blood pressure at only 16 and have a family history of this along with strokes and heart attacks. My father had 2 strokes, first one while only in his 30's, and now has multiple sclerosis, not sure if its related. His dad, while only in his 50's, died of a heart attack, and so did his fathers mother. I have also been diagnosed now with high cholesterol and diabetes which took my grandmothers life and has my other grandmother now with an amputated leg. Although my profile pic states I'm at 293, at 5.6, (pic was taken a little under 2 months ago), I am now at 303. I wont lie and say that it wasn't my knowing that I might have the surgery that has caused me to watch what I eat even less, but I have also been stressed by this and have at times eaten out of that stress. I hope they give me answer soon 'cause I will blow up to 400 in no time
I think evryone here is great and very courageous. This site has helped me a great deal, never knew there was such a site with as much support and valuable information. Allow me to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. To a continued successful journey
God bless you all.

LisaMarie you're my HERO!!!!! I'm 4'10 i'll be 37 on 10/21~ I am married with three children ages 11,10 and 7.5! I had surgery on 5/18 and i've lost something like 38 pounds which is slow but at least the scale is going in the right direction. I love to laugh and have a great time. I'm up for any experience, there is nothing i won't try! I love to cook and i'm very good at it, i love to shop and unfortunately i'm also very good at that! If you have any other questions please feel free to email me, i'll answer anything i've forgotten. Have a great weekend, ANDI
Helllllooooooo NY,
Does anyone remember that weather man name lloyd lindsay young on UPN 9. He use to do that long Hellllloooooooooo..lol.
Anyway, I'm about 1 1/2 hours north of manhattan, i travelled to manhattan to have the Duodenal Switch done at lenox hill hosptial in manhattan. I had surgery in Feb. of 2006 and since that time i've lost 170 lbs. (190 if you include the 20 i lost preop). I am married, have 2 kids (both boys 15 and 8...anyone want to adopt a moody 15 year old????...lol).
I couldn't be happier with my weight loss so far and i can't wait to reach goal.
I am Maryellen. I have two daughters, 18 (just dropped her off at college in PA yesterday) and 13. I live on Long Island and had the RNY on 7/31/06. I've lost aproximately 30 lbs since then. I'm excited but at the same timem I'm worried because I'm having trouble getting enough protein in. The only one I like is the AchievOne, it tastess like starbucks and is almost just as expensive! Also, my energy level isn't very high. And my breath is horrible! I hope this passes soon.

Hi Everyone~
My name is Britt. I am 35 years old, happily married for 7 years and have three beautiful (inside and out) daughters! I live on Long Island. I am a patient of Dr. Garber, I am scheduled to have my endoscopy September 6th (my last pre-op test! yay)
I have my second consult scheduled for September 14th with Dr. Garber - That is when I can get my surgery date (for RYN). I am so happy I found these boards - you are a wealth of information and very inspiring New York! Nice to meet you all

Hi Everyone !!
My name is Barbara. You are all a tremendous inspiration to me! I live on Long Island. I am single (and lookimg....)with 2 very spoiled cats; Hope and Bear. I am a Registered Nurse and I really love my job.
I have just about completed my pre op testing; and have an appointment with my surgeon on 9/6. Then we will submit the request for approval to my insurance. I want nothing more but to join you guys on the losing side.
I haven't posted a photo because I have not yet figured out the secret----no matter
how hard I try!!!
Please keep me in your prayers for a quick insurance approval!!!!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Meegan. I live in Briarwood (it's in Queens right near Forest Hills for all who know the area.) I have been "chubby" my entire childhood and graduated to "fat" in college. I have just finished all of my preauthorization tests and evaluations and am waiting for all my results to be given to my surgeon so I can be approved an a date be set for my lap band. I'm 5'9 1/2 and 316/318 (depends on who's scale lol). Strangely enough, I was always told I am a "big girl" not fat, but, come on...you've read the number.
I can't wait to join the losing side (my competitive spirit is bulking at this internally!!!)