1 day post op
Congrats. It will get better!!! I was just like that. I had bad gas that traveled around but the worst was when it was up in my shoulder. Sounds strange, but that is where it settled for about 2 weeks. I took chewable gas x and it helped. I slept in my recliner too, and then when i moved into my bed I was propped up for about a month.
I'm still dealing with the mental part of the surgery, but really the weight loss makes up for it all! Everytime I thought I was hungry, I drank. Shakes or water. Sometimes hot peppermint tea. That always made me feel better. I'm 6 months out, and i still can't eat alot, I sat there and watched people eat like crazy yesterday and i was mad as hell, but i'm down 140 pounds today, and it was ALL worth it! Good luck to you and keep your chin up!
We should all be proud of ourselves because we are strong people!