1 day post op
I had my lap band surgery yesterday,I can't believe It is over and I went through with it. I came home with a lot of gas pain!!!! Better today but still have some real sharp gas pains.
I have a weird question,my upper arms are red and very warm to the touch but the rest of my arm is not warm, has anyone experienced such a weird side effect?
Also it is only day 2 and mind you I couldn't eat anything if I wanted to but I have experienced some physiological set backs like I look at the clock and think I should be eating.I just thought it is way to early to be thinking this way.Does it get better as time goes by?Does it catch up to you mentally that it is ok not to have to eat just because the clock says it is time to eat? I appreciate any help on these questions.Also I can't even lay in my own bed (which I am dying to do ) because then the gas really hurts.So I slept in my recliner last night.
Betty Jo,
Thanks,you are absolutely right that doctors operated on our stomachs not our brains.
It is tuff for me but I will tuff it out like you all do here on OH and hopefully have the success that is shown here.My God girl I can not believe how much weight and inches you have lost!!! That is incredible.See how can I read your stats and not try hard?
Thanks for the support.
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/06 12:17 am - MT
on 8/16/06 12:17 am - MT
Congrats on being on the losing side now
You will start to feel better soon hun, it takes some time and yes for me the GAS was a biggest bother as well. WOW I lived on Gas X for about 2 weeks.
I wish you all the best and keep us posted on how you are feeling.
I know for me the head issues are something I am STILL working on and will be for the rest of my life I am sure, phyc really helps to deal with this hun.... I also would call the Dr to ask about the reddness just in case.
Take care
Debra P

Hi Debra,
The redness in my arms is gone already (that was weird).
Thanks for your response because it helps to know that I am not alone in this journey.
I thought it was just me that could be mentally thrown already but I see it's not.The gas is still here but A LOT BETTER!! That was tough,still can't lay down (which stinks) but everyday I feel better so hopefully soon.My main issue now is dealing with the liquid diet, my family is very supportive but I know I have to deal with this myself.
Thanks again for your encouraging words,
(((((((((((Tina)))))))))))))))) girl you tell me when y ou're ready and i'll meet you at the pond for a slow stroll or a quick walk whatever you'd like. I'm ready when you are. I'm so thrilled that you are doing so well. Keep walking and the gas will escape quicker or take a gas X i found those very helpful.. Hugs, ANDI