Up State NY Bariatric Support Group Meeting
Welcome to the Up State Ny Bariatric Support Group..
Our group will meet every Second and Forth Sunday of the month.
Starting with Sept 10th 2006
Place: Nathan Littauer Hospital
99 E. State St.
Gloversville, NY 12078
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Ground Floor in the auditorium
Please Email me with any Questions at [email protected]
Check out the web site: http://upstatenybariatricsupport.bravehost.com/
HI, Sept 10th is our first meeting. we are just a group of people who have had or are going to have or interested in having the surgury. i have completed the first step in the leader process... i am in the processed of having the surgury and will be seeing dr rasoti. we are looking for people to help out with this group to make it a success. i am going to contact our local paper and going to put flyers up... If u are interested in helping get this off the ground please email me.... thanks