help...4 mo post op today

on 8/13/06 11:04 pm - bath, NY
im 4 mo post op today and down 80lbs i dont see the loss i still see me before any weight loss . i keep thinking im not losing fast enough and the loss will stop before i get to where i want to be any advice?? how long is the honeymoon period of rny surgery??
on 8/14/06 2:10 am - UPSTATE, NY
Brenda L: Hello! What you are experiencing (body image disturbance) is quite normal postop for many of us WLSers! Think about how long you have been obese? your 'mind's eye' has a image of self, and the brain is one tough organ to change, but you can change it slowly. I highly recommend awareness, this means looking at self unclothed DAILY in a full length mirror, so you can recognize self and the sublte changes that are happening to your body as you lose weight. Other ways is to take monthly measurements, photos etc and look at them a lot! Or draw your image on a piece of white paper (large butcher type) to see the silouette! Finally a good therapist may help you work though these issues if needed! now as for the Honeymoon. It is individual, but it is shorter than any of us want. I see WLS as a tool to develop a healthy lifestyle, so consdervatively I say most get a good 6 months, some are luucky to have 9, 12 or 18! The goal is health and developing the habits to be healthy are imperative to longterm success! Are you following all the rules of the pouuch o ensure your success? Remember we can only influence our wt so much, gneetics, metabolism, age, diet history, medical meds, medical comorbidities all are unmodifiable! So modlify what u can (food choices, dealing w/ emotional issues and exercise) that is your goal for the honeymoon and beyond! I do not know your age, ht/preop wt and current wt but remember realistic expectations wls is meant to get us 50-80% of our excess wt lost, NOT to an ideal bodywt, although a few people lose 100% that is not the goal or common. A successful surgery is losing 50% of excess. wher we want to be sometimes is NOT realistic and can set one up for sabotage, frustration etc...If you tell me your ht/wt starting I can tell you a rough estimate of 50-80% of excess and a realistic wt for a goal...When have you lot 80# in 4 mo? I don't think I ever have? Wt loss slows the farther out we go this is normal and expected, do not get frustrated, just be educated on what to expect! Look at your goal to get rid of the diabetes and to live healthfully, the numbers are one small piece, the scale is a hunkametal, do not let it dictate your self esteem/worth ok! Please feel free to email me off list if you want any more help or some resources for reading! Take Care, Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
shannon arnold
on 8/14/06 3:44 am - Coopers Plains, NY
Hi Brenda, You are losing a lot faster than I. I am 9 months out and am only down 89 lbs. Each person loses at different rates. Depends on your starting weight and your metabolism. I think I remember Dr. Cole telling me that our window of opportunity is around 18 months. I don't know how much you are wanting to lose. I have about 18 lbs to go for Dr. Coles goal, and 38 to my own goal. I am finding lately though that I am able to eat quite a bit more than I was, and I need to make sure that I watch myself as to what I take in. I do eat good foods, and I think for the most part I am eating decent amounts, but there are days when I want to munch. Just keep doing what you are doing, I think you have done fantastic. I too have issues with how I look. I am now fitting into size 10 jeans and still have that image in my head, although I can see alot of difference, I have a huge issue with my tummy. Keep up the great work, you will get there. Shannon Arnold Campbell, NY 257/168/130??
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