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forgot to include this.
Here's the link. If you can't open the link just copy and paste. Good luck. Honestly it works. It did for me.
Thanks for your reply. I'm glad to see that I'm not going crazy thinking you can do something like this. Can you explain the 5 day reset? I don't have a bariatric doctor anymore. I plan to look into seeing someone after the first of the year.
I believe you can re-train the way you eat. I am 8 yrs post op and have regained 25 lbs. I was eating just like you. I ate Fried foods, crackers, chips, candies, pasta, bread ect. I recently went on a 5 day reset pouch test and I honestly can tell you it worked for me. I went back to the basic as if I just got home from the hospital. Taking my vitamins, back to my protein shakes of 90 grams a day and drinking tons of water. This helped me alot. Started on liquids ect... The purpose of all liquids is to break any snacking, grazing or processed carbohydrate habits. I have lost 10 lbs of my 25 lbs that I've gained. It's been over a month since I've eaten any bad carbs and honestly I have no cravings for sweets. If I do then I'll have a sugar free Popsicle or an atkins treat bar. I do watch my carbs and sugar intake now. I can't eat a whole salad in one sitting so I blend mines since drinking it helps me get the nutrient I need. I make a green smoothie every morning with 1 small apple and a handful of grapes. Good carbs vs Bad carbs. I do not eat too much fruits since It does have sugar. You can go this. I know It is hard cause I am going through the same battle as you are. Try the 5 day reset pouch test. Check thou with your doctor. I did this to get me back on track. It works for me. Good luck
I was wondering if anyone had any custard recipe's using egg replacement. A friend of mine suggested that this would help me better manage my weight by having something closer to custard rather than trying and failing to cut out my favourite food completely.
Ive tried some recipes I found on the internet but they have been a total failure and I was hoping someone may have some ideas. Currently I am using Orgran No Egg, egg replacer mix but if anyone has any better suggestion that would be great. I have some really good results with egg white replacement (meringues are another favourite of mine :)) but cant seem to achieve the same results with egg replacement.
Thanks in advance.
I'm a RN. I know medical proof. I heard about the reset years ago when I was on here, that's why I asked.
I can understand not wanting to be called a troll. In the past & even now people do come on here not looking for help, but looking for trouble, & since it's the internet there's really no way of knowing who's who.
If someone thinks you're a troll, then speak with them directly, either on the boards, or maybe privately with a pm. Speak out, no one can know what's in your mind. If you felt hurt by what someone said, then say something. You might find out that they might not have meant to hurt your feelings.
Believe me there are people who tried to help other people in the past only to find themselves hurt in the process.
I know the others who posted here & they do genuinely want to help.
If you're looking to jumpstart, get back to the basics, but you might have to do little jumpstarts rather than a total overhaul. Little things add up over time. I use the My fitness pal app. It's pretty good & it's free.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
The real truth isn't what's ugly. It's name calling that is. I'm not a Troll and don't appreciate be called that. I know I'm not eating right that why I was honest and told everyone exactly what I eat. I need support not people telling me that " I can't help you. I'm sorry" just because I eat to many carbs.
I heard years ago that there was a way to retrain... or jumpstart your pouch again. It's clear that's no longer the thinking.
Yes, the mental part is the hard one as well. I got a calorie counter app today to see if that helps.