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on 10/27/21 4:15 pm
on 10/27/21 4:01 pm, edited 10/27/21 9:33 am
If I?m really in the mood for nachos I buy a dollar bag of fresh corn tortillas.
I fire up the oven and cut them into fifths .
Then I dip them in a really cheap bag of cheese seasoning ( for Mac n cheese ) usually like thirty cents a box ( generic ... bottom shelf at Walmart)
let them bake very carefully ( they burn quickly ) for like five minutes till they become crispy . At this point you can make nachos w fat free cheese ... whatever you like .
I usually am very happy to dip them in fresh salsa ... maybe a bit of guacamole.
super filling... tastes ( to me exactly the same )as ? real ? tortilla chips and nachos and is very satisfying despite being low cal and low fat ....
another true family pleaser ( please also find my popcorn post )
I know exactly how that is! I love to snack on the wrong stuff. I've been trying to find more healthy alternatives myself. Here are a few things to consider to help replace junk foods:
I hope that these will be helpful.
It is hooked up like an IV in your arm. The one that they give me takes about 30 minutes to empty. They do it in the doctor's office. The doctor who does mine is a hematologist.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi Liz,
I take a tonic liquid solution. I think tonics are better than tablets.
The one over here is called Floradex. It doesn't taste very nice, but a quick gulp and you're all set for iron and vitamins for the day.
I see a hematologist. I get iron infusions about once a year. Ferritin at 5 cannot be corrected with oral iron.
I get the most benefit with Proferrin, but I would ask your doctor to refer you to a hematologist if your doctor cannot recommend an iron infusion.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi Mango
I take a multivitamin and some soluble vitamin c tablets incase i pick up a cold or something worse.
As for the multivitamins I stay away from the high street brands and just get the stores own-brand. They are about half the price and have a similar content when you look at the vitamin concentrations.
As for the vitamin c, i just pick up whatever is on the shelf. They are usually quite expensive. The one I'm using right now is holland and barrett.
i'm happy with both of these.
Can anyone recommend a good multi vitamin w/ iron or an iron supplement? I am 11 yrs post gastric bypass and my iron levels are way too low, I just got my lab results back today, will be talking with my Dr on Monday. Thank you!
Ferritin- 5
Iron- 35
Iron Sat- 6
Transferrin- 384
I have found for me that eating what I want - no matter what it is as long as it agrees with my tummy - on the first Sunday of the month allows me to stick to basics the rest of the month. And I mean by eat anything I mean just that. If it is a day of just chips/dip then so be it. If in the middle of the day I want an ice cream cone I have it. If I want a protein I have it. I take my vitamins and other supplements like normal. I have found that this one day does not have any negative effects on my weight or blood work. As long as I know 'that' Sunday is on the horizon it works for me. And after a while I seriously started craving 'the good stuff' and the chips went out the door...along with the other junk food.
You need to find what works for you. For me just 1 day a month eating to my hearts content works for me. Good luck!!!