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I don't know what "MO" is, but you are completely wrong. Not just me but plenty of other people consider surgery but decide against it. In fact, I would fight that hard to PREVENT anyone from doing it to me.
Yes, many or most of us here have struggled our whole lives with the "traditional remedies" and had the same bad results. I agree that the traditional "diet and exercise" methods suck and don't work.
It's amusing to me that here, on this forum for obese people (and I assume that includes you), you would use weight as an insult. VERY lame. And for the record, I don't weigh anywhere near that, of course.
I've lost 20% of my weight in six months., No surgery. Can you say the same?
Also, there is this: tm
Min Wei, Sebastian Brandhorst, Mahshid Shelehchi, Hamed Mirzaei, Chia Wei Cheng, Julia Budniak, Susan Groshen, Wendy J. Mack, Esra Guen, Stefano Di Biase, Pinchas Cohen, Todd E. Morgan, Tanya Dorff, Kurt Hong, Andreas Michalsen, Alessandro Laviano, Valter D. Longo. Fasting-mimicking diet and markers/risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Science Translational Medicine, 2017; 9 (377): eaai8700 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aai8700
"Hello Finsternis,
Welcome to OH Let me introduce you to our site. From our "about OH" page. I had weight loss surgery in 2004 and it saved my life, my husband didn't and he died from obese related health issues. Any questions? "
Glad to hear that you OK. I'm sorry about your husband, and I'm sorry you had to resort to such unnecessarily drastic measures to do it, but at least you're OK.
My only question is, if you're here specifically for WLS people, why do you call the site "Obesity Help"? Because it's not "obesity help" in general, it is WLS help specifically. Your name is very misleading.
As I said in other replies, that 4 years was 3.5 years of continuing to try to old ways, and 6 months of total success. Which is to say, I only found out about the best way six months ago. But I'm SO glad I didn't have WLS! I get *all* the exact same benefits with no surgery!
Then why is the site called "Obesity Help" and not "WLS help"?
Thanks, I will try to. So far 6 months and 20% weight loss. No signs of slowing down, no signs of ever wanting to stop, no cravings to go back to the old way. So I'm psyched!
Good job on your success. But why do you say "I couldn't maintain a low BMI even after having WLS"? are you saying that it works, or doesn't work?
The odds aren't against me. I am proving it every day. And yes, my attitude does guarantee it - guarantee my success, that is.
WLS is effective at losing weight, I never disagreed with that. But, sorry to tell you, there IS a method that not only comes close but gets EXACTLY the same results, and WITHOUT surgery. So, sorry, but you're wrong about that. Nor is it the best treatment we have - it's second-best. Unless you're tried Intermittent Fasting, then you have not tried "every method out there".
I've been dealing with obesity my whole life, and I'm about the same age as you. And, yes, like you I thought I had tried everything. And yes, nothing had succeeded long term. I was very close to getting surgery myself. But when I found out all the details, I decided it wasn't worth it.
Thanks for your concern, but "my fasting attempts" not only are not "doomed" but ave been incredibly successful - and WAY easier than I had feared. I thought I would be constantly hungry - I'm not. I worried that I would eat way too much when I stopped - I don't. Compared to something like quitting smoking or following a "diet", it's a cake walk. It's nice that you can pooh-pooh it when you haven't even tried it, though. So far it's been six months and I don't even have the SLIGHTEST, TEENIEST urge to go back to the old way of eating. In fact, I'm so powered up about all the weight that I've lost,. and how much better I feel, and how successful it is, that I not only am WAY healthier but I have energy to spend time doing pointless things like trying to prevent people from making a huge mistake like WLS even when they just ignorantly jump on anything that disagrees with them.
Look, I imagine it must totally suck to be in a position where you had drastic surgery only to find out that you didn't have to. There's no going back, unfortunately. Really I'm here to warn the people who haven't had it yet. People who have, all I can say is sorry you didn't get the good information before you were suckered into it by your greedy hospital.
I've lost 20% of my weight in 6 months. Not only have I not gained any of it back but I am mroe energized than ever and completely 100% never, ever will go back to the old way. I have NO craving for it and actively am repelled by the thought. So your condescending attitude is a waste of your time.
This article only proves what I'm saying: weight loss surgery does work. And I agree that "diets" (changing the THINGS you eat, only just eating fewer calories) don't work. So I agree with the article 100%. The only difference is, I am getting exactly the same results without surgery because I do the same THING as surgery, but without having surgery.
In short, there are better ways to achieve exactly the same results without surgery. It isn't necessary.