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I am 2 months out from sleeve surgery and finding how much I dislike dense proteins: meats, boiled eggs.
I really enjoy fruit, veggies, salads, soups, and fish.
What other protein options are there besides protein shakes that I absolutely detest? Suggestions?
I bought this one and it's perfect. I still use it. I already had a blender but never use it. I don't do shakes at all because I don't feel very satisfied after drinking my protein.

by Black & Decker
on 9/14/15 3:41 pm
I'm about one month out from surgery and was wondering what is a powerful but inexpensive blender/ processor that'll be able to handle not just shakes but also pureeing meats.
Does anyone know just what the correct amount of sugar one can intake on a daily basis? I have heard so many different rumors it's not even funny.
You want to find out what your insurance will accept though... seriously some are OK with whatever the Dr recommends but some are super specific and want check ins and full on documentation so be sure you verify with them NOT your Dr.
The paper work I received from the surgeon only suggested a calorie controlled diet and documents from my pop saying I completed it. I was curious what others have done (I know every doctor and surgeon is different). The one my pcp recommend seemed very low calories to me. The 3 days on the diet are 800-1000 calories and the 4 days off the diet I am eating 1200-1400.
Thanks for any information and suggestions. It's very much appreciated.
Contact your insurance co. and get in writing what they require as a "supervised diet" you wouldn't want to do something for months and then find out it is not accepted. Some plans require a medical weight loss program and documented check in/weigh ins... some just weighs at your pcp or gyno and those will qualify... find out what is specifically required for your plan.
Here's a link I think you will find helpful re: insurance -and-guides/oac-insurance-guide/helpful-tips
Thanks for sharing. The great part about Costco is that you can return anything you don't like.
I drink the GNC lean protein shakes. I couldn't get to a costco to try the others and powders didn't agree with me. I like the strawberry the most, the banana is pretty good. and I find if you add decaf coffee to the vanilla it makes a decent iced coffee substitute. I personally didn't like the chocolate, and never tried the chocolate mint one.
Hope that helps :)
on 9/12/15 5:07 am - nyork, AK
The best way to lose weight is eating healthy diet and avoiding all kinds of unhealthy, junk and processed foods. I suffered from belly fat especially from love handles in last few years but fortunately I was able to get rid of it effectively with some simple tips.
The best way to lose those love handles is to go on a diet that will shed pounds from your entire body. By diet, we mean a permanent eating regimen that stresses healthy foods – and not an over-abundance of them. There are plenty of diet books out there that will tell you how to balance your intake of protein, complex carbohydrates, fat, and fiber.
Any fat-burning aerobic workout is what you need, though you may also want to tone and firm that area where the handles are attached while you’re losing fat. Exercising the abs is good for that, but the best exercises for it are side bends and torso twists.
Exercises for Love Handles
Side Bends:
Stand straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet apart, then slowly lower the trunk a few inches to the left side then back up, and do the same thing again to the right side. Repeat until you’re sick and tired of doing them. Don’t bend forward or backward while you’re doing these as it would be bad for the spine.
Torso Twists:
While standing firmly with your feet a shoulder’s width apart, twist your torso slowly to the left side then to the right while at the same time keeping your hips straight and even. Again, there should be no bending. Don’t overdo it; twisting too far makes it easy to pull a muscle.
So If you're wondering how to get rid of love handles , just make your diet healthy and do regular exercise.