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on 10/22/15 7:17 pm
I'm only two weeks out, but on Monday my bariatric nutritionist said a common problem in the first couple of months is not getting enough calories (less than 800 for a sedentary woman) and that lowers your energy levels and hurts weight loss.
If you have a nutritionist obviously you should ask them, but maybe an extra protein shake during the day might boost your energy levels and get the inner furnace burning again.
If you're legitimately eating 600 calories a day that seems like the only reason you wouldn't be dropping weight. With daily exercise you should be dropping weight even at 1000 calories a day, really.
Note: I don't know crap about crap, so take that for what it's worth :)
Good luck!
first 2 weeks were not kind to me either. The protein shakes were just TOO sweet for me after surgery and it was almost impossible to choke down. Water has become my best friend and the only thing that does not make me feel ill. Sip, Sip, Sip was the absolute best advise anyone could give you. Hang in there I am at 4 weeks and was released for exercise and soft foods. It has made a HUGE difference and things are looking up.
I am new here and due to that I don't know when you will get this reply. I am not qualified to give ANY medical advise, I can only speak from my limited experience. For ME, I must eat VERY slowly and in small ( very small amounts) other wise I get the same feeling. I was not doing so well until I was moved to soft foods at my 2 week check up and I was able to eat a 1/4 c mash potatoes that had enough carbs to stop my own blood sugars from dropping. I am only 4 weeks out from surgery and I left the hospital on Sept. 22 @ 288 and I am at 252 as of today. I have learned that for my own personal well being I have to listen to my body. Water is my best friend lol and even though I have been released to eat scrambled soft eggs does not mean my body agrees with it. I have learned that I can only take a rice grain size taste of something new or I will get the same reaction that you are describing hours later and all the way through to the next morning. Keep following up with your DR. and I personally would log everything you are eating, time, amount ect and take it with you. On a side note I also learned that when I do try a new food my body does not like, that if I go to the gym or exercise in some way. It has been helping my body to digest it better. Just a thought, I hope you find relief.
I had RNY in 2008 and leftovers are a problem for me. Before surgery I didn't really like leftovers but I could eat them. Now, I just can't eat some things. Chicken reheated is repulsive. I thought it was microwaving that changed the taste, but I've tried warming on top of the stove and reheating in the oven. Beef is usually okay. Reheated veggies also taste nasty. Chili tastes fine reheated.
Fortunately, my husband likes leftovers.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
So I am curious what others are doing at 4 weeks post-op, I am averaging 400-600 calories per day and getting my minimum of 30 min cardio and started some basic weight training. BUT.... my scale says I'm stalling out for over a week at 255. Granted this morning my scale was nice to me and dropped me 253 lol yes I double checked it at the gym just to make sure my scale wasn't broken. after my 2 week check up I was put on soft foods and my energy levels have mellowed out for the most part. Some mashed potatoes have saved me from sugar drops and passing out. ( Everything is WAY too sweet for me now) but I am getting the feeling ( ONLY AT NIGHT ) that either I'm hungry or that dinner doesn't want to digest, can't tell which so I sip on water ALL the time and it seems to be my only friend right now. So here I am, ANY AND ALL FEED BACK IS WELCOMED.
Hi Everyone,
I really need help. First, a little back story. I had surgery on 8/4/15. All was well until about 6 days later when I got the worst lower abdominal pain of my life. I was readmitted for pain control. All tests checked out ok. Went home. After the liquid diet portion of food was over and I started solids, my problems returned. I was SICK! No matter how small the bites, or how long between bites, I was still horribly nauseous, or vomiting, or both. Called my surgeon. I got the lecture, he said I was overfilling my pouch, that I was eating too fast, too much, for too long or not long enough. In tears, I hung up and sent an email to the office demanding to see a new doctor. He apologized and said he still felt like he could take the best care of me. I agreed to stay. Over time, my vomiting became less and less but I was/am so food aversive that now I'm scared to eat.
So, I see my surgeons PA last week, and explain my symptoms again. I am persistent in saying that I don't feel well, I am run down, exhausted, Im always cold, my legs cramp and I know this is NOT my fault. Again, she starts in. Wants to know how fast Im eating, how much Im eating, when I'm eating, suggests that the stomach cramps I get 2-3 hours after a meal are from over-filling my pouch. What???!!! How on earth am I supposed to know that Im overfilling my pouch if at the time, I feel fine and then hours later have pain? I asked this. She says I'm ignoring my body cues. Wow. Just wow.
Yesterday, I woke up feeling like death. Frustrated, I dragged myself to urgent care and begged for help. On top of feeling lethargic, I was now feeing symptoms of low blood sugar, the cramps that I felt hours after a meal suddenly made sense, because they had progressed from pain to uncontrollable shakes, sweating, thirst, headache and dizziness. Id had these symptoms before but attributed them to dumping syndrome somehow. Urgent care tested my blood. My glucose was 95. Not bad. But my white and red blood cells were in the crapper. I am anemic! I call my surgeons office and let them know that I went to urgent care and that I'm anemic. The receptionist says "yeah, ok, thats really common, take some OTC iron" I said I already do that. And this isn't common for me! She asked for the test results to be sent to her and that they would call me back. I sent them personally, I have heard a thing from them.
Fed UP! I went to my primary care and once again begged for mercy. She took more blood from me and said she'll call me when they come back. In the meantime, I have a GI appt scheduled on Monday.
To be clear, I am and always have been taking all my vitamins, my iron, my pantoprazole and calcium daily. I never miss a dose. I eat three meals a day, even though I don't want to and it pains me, literally. I have lost more weight than I think is healthy. In less than 3 months, Ive gone from 252 to 210 pounds. But my surgeons PA says thats "perfect". I feel like death warmed over. I can't enjoy my weight loss because I'm always so sick and tired.
Please, any advice would be so appreciated!!! Thanks!
It does go away... just give it time. I felt exactly how you felt. I am 3.5 weeks out.
You are doing great. Every day gets better.
I did a low carb diet and got rid of breads & pastas. My rule was "Don't Bite White". ( potatoes, rice, ice cream, ....). I discovered a new world of foods which will really help you post op because you cannot eat these foods then for awhile either. You will definetly lose some weight. it will be hard at first but carbmaster yogurts, milk at Kroger's are great, cooking using chopped califlower instead of rice in a chicken broccoli cheese casserole taste great and noone will even realize it's not rice. It's fun to find creative ways to cook. I freeze leftovers in small containers. FB has lots of support groups as well with recipes to aid you with this. Good luck. Blessings, Debi
Thanks for all the advice and support. I'm going to start taking it easy and try not to push myself. Working through the diet restrictions and not being able to exercise has really made me stress. But I will continue to follow my Doctor's orders. Yes I did give up caffeine and that's probably why my headaches are so frequent. I'm keeping hydrated. My incisions are healing as well. Thank you again.
You need to live by the mantra, sip, sip, sip, even if you're not thirsty. Small sips, as often as possible, will help you to keep fully hydrated. Keep drinking those protein shakes, they are part of your liquids, so they are helping you more than you know.
I had surgery 8/4/15 and had no real hunger since then. That's one of the great things about the sleeve, the lack of hunger. It helps you get through the first week, months, or even years.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!