Well since we have all be...
Well since we have all been on some sort of diet etc thru the years and I have a pretty good idea about nutriotion in general here goes my question.
We are supposed to mal-absorb at a certain percentage. I have been told about 50%. So how many calories/fat g./carb should we be ingesting to be on the a fat loss. I know that ketosis the bodies natural fat burning stage occurs when you are at less than 20g fat or carb. How does this affect us? Are our number of fatg etc able to be higher? How many calories are we going to absorb? I am currently (charted through Fitday.com) averaging 876cal 25fat g and 50 carb. I have constantly been losing weight
but I want to make sure that I am on the right track. I have checked my ketones and it appears I am in Ketosis, that and the tell-tale foul breath, yuch. (Are there calories in toothpaste, hehe) I have tracked a 28lb weight loss in the past month. I don't feel any less energetic than I have over the last several months, a little more forgetful, but that could be old age creaping in, hehe. Any input would be greatly appreciated.