Gaining weight slowly at 2 yrs po
Well, if you are not getting in all of your protein (at least 120 grams) that is the first place I would start. it is so common at about 18 months post op to start seeing changes in your weight loss and possible gain. It is at this time that your body realizes what you have done to it and it will begin to make up for it. The most common thing that happens is your intestines actually become thicker in diameter in order for your body to absorb more nutrients. Protein intake is the only thing that is going to keep your sugar/carb cravings at bay and help you keep on track as far as food goes...
you need to water load I try to get 100 oz. or more a day.
Your tool is still their so use it!!!
Also try this:
Plateau buster?
#1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau
#2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day
#3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day (some suggest at least 60 and up to 80 gr)
#4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day
low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened
peanut butter
You may also have:
sugar free popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free jello
crystal light drinks
#5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!
#6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily
Jamie's BACK ON TRACK TIPS (feel free to join me on a group I co own!) I too had regain at 1 yr out..I stopped it at 10#!!!
Your surgery hasn't failed; you are just not using your tool to its potential that is all. It is there still; you need to get back to basics though. Remember it isn't the surgery alone that makes us lose weight it is the lifelong lifestyle & behavioral changes we make that enable us to lose weight and keep it off. Dumping isn't guaranteed after surgery and may decrease the farther we get post-op....with that said:
You know the rules of the tool, (what you aren't doing)....So how to get back to basics? You have to just take one step at a time; it doesn't have to be all or nothing that is old thinking! What do you feel you can conquer first?
Write down your goal for the week, then work on it, once you have one goal under your belt start on another, be patient and kind to yourself, no one said this was easy! It is hard and no one is perfect! But you can change. The negative habits didn't happen overnight so neither will positive ones! But they wont happen if you don't start somewhere! Asking for help and admitting the problem is a great first step! Get to a local support group at least monthly if available, this keeps you focused on what you are doing and accountable to yourself...Life will always be busy but you need to reprioritize health as a higher priority and taking care of yourself has to be more important than anything else! Here is how I'd break it down (not necessarily what to do first, just an example of the goals I'd set and work on one at a time!) some you may want to break into 2 parts also....
a.. #1: part 1:Fluid: resolve to drink 64 ounces ( This will keep you full longer and tension on the pouch) of NON-carbonated-NON-calorie fluid a day. (water, crystal lite, diet Kool-Aid, diet V8 splash, tea) In other words don't drink your calories! Part 2: DO NOT DRINK WITH MEALS and WAIT 1-2 HOURS AFTER MEALS TO START DRINKING....(OR U WILL JUST MAKE YOURSELF HUNGRY AGAIN...SOONER!) we can all wait a while and eat again esp. if we drink soon after or with a meal....It is called grazing, we have a leaky drain and after a little time we have more room in the sink to fill so we can all eat a while after we eat, I know at a restaurant I can eat more as the meal is spread over time, if I eat at home I cant eat 1/2 as much as I eat in 20 min and then I'm full and I'm done.
b.. #2 Vitamins: resolve to take a multivitamin, and calcium 1,000mg a day. (just to give you some energy!)Maybe some B12 liquid/tablets sublingually to boost energy and metabolism!
c.. #3 Protein: resolve to get in 65 grams a day either in the food you eat or by supplementing with shakes. EAT PROTEIN FIRST!!! IT fills the pouch!(less room for carbs)
d.. #4 Meals: resolve part 1:to eat ONLY 3 meals a day over 5-20 minutes no longer, (and possibly one small nutritious snack of fruit or nuts etc...)....NO grazing. Part 2:Composition of meals: 50% protein leaving 25% of meal for veggies/fruit and 25% carbs (pasta/bread/rice/potatoes). This means most likely giving up McDonalds for a while or making better choices when you are there...It doesn't have to be 100% of the time but should be the way you eat more like 90% of the time!)
e.. #5 Exercise: resolve to exercise 30 min 3x a week, then increase to 60 min 3x a week or 30 min 6x a wee****il you are exercising 30 min daily (or more)! It helps you cope with stress, so you don't turn to food, it will help the wt loss and also give you energy! You will feel better about yourself and be less apt to go for the carbs.
f.. #6 resolve to either get involved in a local support group monthly (weekly would be better but at least 1x a month) and or get into therapy to deal with your food issues and look at why you are sabotaging your happiness. We all have food issues/demons and we all need to face them eventually the surgery is a great help but the brain is a hard organ to change and unfortunately they didn't operate it when they shrunk our tummy!
g.. #7 if above are overwhelming many go back to postop and start liquids for a few days, then advance to soft/mushys such as yogurt and pudding and cottage cheese, then onto pureed then solids, many say this retrains the pouch and our brains to snap back into it...Again it is all hard but just my 2cents/suggestions!
Good luck! Glad you are looking at the issues and wanting to deal with them! Be proud of yourself for that and you can do it, we are all here with you to help! Now is a great time to start, not everything but one thing....Do not put off to tomorrow what you can do today! Think this way if you wait you may have another 20# or so to work on after the holidays! Holidays and parties are always going to happen, we can always find an excuse to wait or a reason why we can't, search within yourself and find a reason why you can and do it (make this your gift for the holidays to yourself, nothing tastes as good as health and thin feel!)! Take care....
Lap RNY 10/9/02
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Dr. Singh, Albany, NY
Plastics 6/9/2004 Dr. King Albany NY
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've
decided to see beyond the imperfections!"